Preliminary Critique For Days

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Preliminary Critique For Days

Post by steven_dickson »

Hey! These are the roughs I have for my site!
Scan 8.jpeg
Scan 9.jpeg
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Re: Preliminary Critique For Days

Post by Sierragirlnv »

Hi Steven,
I think your design choices are unique. I will be interested to see what your "awesome logo" will look like. Is there a reason you chose the black and white image you have in both of your roughs?
I see you use very thick lines in your designs. I have to say the second rough isn't really working for me and it kind of looks like an envelope?
The first layout has an interesting choice of buttons for your project. I think if you used a ruler to space out your design elements it would have a cleaner more modern feel. Also on a side note "about muh" if i'm reading that right should say "about moi."
I think you have an interesting perspective on design and I can't wait to see what else you create.


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Re: Preliminary Critique For Days

Post by ElizabethBrass »

I like the asymmetric feel of the first design, it still feels balanced. Also on the first one, the about me button is really hard to read. Try playing with different fonts and weights of those fonts. I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns

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Re: Preliminary Critique For Days

Post by paula_b »

Hi Steve!
I like the layout of prelim2, but find it hard to read. The "About Muh" button is chaotic to me. Prelim1 is readable, but seems very generic, and you are, in no way, generic!

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Re: Preliminary Critique For Days

Post by TsukimizuDC »

Hey Steve,

I love you roughs. To be honest, I am so drawn to prelim1 because all of the icons are aligned so perfectly. I agree with Paula that you are not at all generic, you're more than that. In prelim2, I like the color scheme, but I have a problem reading the "about muh" part. It's a little illegible.

But I have to congratulate you on a job well done.
Dalanie "Tsukimizu" Chester

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Re: Preliminary Critique For Days

Post by justinepaigek »


First of all, I love your color choices and the boldness of your designs. It's a fun and unique concept that you took inspiration from envelopes, and I'm enjoying simply looking at them. While I'm partial to pink, I do think the orange in the second rough speaks more to your personality. I would probably take a look at several fonts to reflect the fun seen with the colors and layout, because right now the type chosen doesn't seem to do your awesome personality any justice :P
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Re: Preliminary Critique For Days

Post by dboudinot »

Hi Steven,

You have very unique taste.

I think both your layouts are balanced and interesting.

In the bottom. I think I would change the value of the background color because it's a little hard on the eyes.

In the top rough I would also change the value of "about muh" to make it easier to read.

I personally like the top rough more because it draws my eyes to interesting places on the page.
Dominique Boudinot

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Re: Preliminary Critique For Days

Post by Instructor »

Hm. An interesting design ethic. Very "in the machine feeling". Good on you, Steven.

I like your first on the best. It's unbalanced in all the right ways, though it is, in actuality, horizontally balanced. The salmon and gray work quite well together and it's surprisingly easy to move the eye around and interact with the site.

I'd bring in the ribbon from the third design as well as the weird etchings on your arrow button. Remove the texture behind the "About Muh" paragraph so we can read it. Watch the spacing between your "inspirational logo" and your "About Muh" section. I'd look at examples of subtle texture usage on websites. I think this design would be well served by the judicious use of a couple of veeeery subtle textures in it as well. Maybe a subtile shadow or two as well.

Interesting ideas. Grow them! I dare you.
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Re: Preliminary Critique For Days

Post by mlauc »

Hi Steve,

Interesting rough layouts. I look forward to see how your logo developes in the final design. The second comp, with it's heavy lines, has a mask like quality that could be interesting to pursue.

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Re: Preliminary Critique For Days

Post by Miasera »

Hey Steve,

Gotta say, when I first loaded the page my eye immediately went to the orange second layout. All the elements point right to the center, which is where your About Me is located and overall it has a nice pattern feel to it. It's bright, it stands out, it's unique. The big problem I see with it is that the top portion of the layout is quite a distance away from the lower portion, and it's enough that it unsettles a little.

The first layout is also good and has the repeating shapes in it, but the circle of the logo clashes with the rest of it and the color scheme doesn't stick out as much. Regardless, a good start with both!
Cristina Sánchez
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