Project One Rough Layouts

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Project One Rough Layouts

Post by aslychsm »

Hello, everyone.

My name is Ashley Chisam, and this is the preliminary critique for project one.

If my two layouts haven't made it clear, I really enjoy natural looking designs, particularly those that incorporate photos of the environment. For my own inspirations, I added geometric shapes to sort of contrast against the organic details of the photographs. I'm definitely more fond of the second rough, I feel like it has a better sense of balance, and the colors are more unified/unusual. If I could add anything to them, it would be to make them more personal. Aside from that I really enjoyed this assignment, it was a good way to ease us into web design. I already have some ideas floating around on how they can be improved, but feedback is so, so welcome.

My two web inspirations:
  • Beautifully clean and sharp design
  • Very minimalist, yet incredibly detailed, my eyes can't stop wandering around the page
  • So organized and easy to navigate
  • It looks delicious (and the pictures speak louder than any description could)
  • the designer clearly chose the most suitable fonts, as they stand out and read clearly
  • I really like the idea of using shapes to indicate boundaries, it gives the design dimension and depth
  • The colors work wonderfully together, even though they're not used very often, it just goes to show how good color choices can improve an overall website
  • The page is simple, yet so carefully put together
  • Easy to explore the page and find what you need
  • This is a perfect example of how a design can invoke emotions. When I look at this website, I feel calm and at peace
a s h l e y c h i s a m

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Re: Project One Rough Layouts

Post by Sierragirlnv »

Hi Ashley,
I enjoyed your project one roughs. I particularly enjoyed the first one, it might be because I am impartial to the color red but I also like the balance and unity of the design. The type faces you chose work well together to give it a personal touch and it's not overpowering. I would however use spell check you spelled "panicking" wrong. Really that's it for my suggestion to improve it.
The second layout is nice but the hints of red in the first layout make it standout better.
Great job.


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Re: Project One Rough Layouts

Post by paula_b »

Hi Ashley!
Both of your roughs are well done! I like the simplicity of rough 1, and that your name is the first thing I see. I'm having difficulty reading the text, is the opacity level low. I feel like it's fading away. Rough 2 is easier for me to read and is nicely done as well. I think that either way you go, it's going to be nice!

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Re: Project One Rough Layouts

Post by justinepaigek »


First, let me just say that your designs are lovely. They have an understated elegance and overall aesthetic appeal. While both designs are very nice, I do like the color choices, layout, type, and imagery of the first. The only thing I have to suggest is that it seems that there's a bunch of content in the main div, and it seems a little close to overwhelming. Perhaps you can consider moving those images to a different page, or float them above the main image? Also, I love the contrast in your type, but it seems the glaring red in the buttons takes away from the elegance of that serifed type. Perhaps tone the color down, or even use the scripty type in place for the buttons (I do love it)? Hope this helps :)
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Re: Project One Rough Layouts

Post by mlauc »

Hi Ashley,

I am drawn to your first design and how organized it looks. Your hero shot of the red poppy is very eye catching. I would suggest creating a logo or mark of your name to balance the dominance of the image.

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Re: Project One Rough Layouts

Post by ElizabethBrass »

Hi Ashley,
I love both of your layouts! They are so natural and clean and the layouts have a very nice flow to them. I like the imagery in both layouts as well. For the first one (and I know this is kind of nit picking) the alignment on your name isn't centered in the box its sitting on. Either one you choose looks great. Nice Job!

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Re: Project One Rough Layouts

Post by dboudinot »

Hi Ashley,

I think the colors, type, and layout in the top rough look really unified and build a solid concept for you webpage. The bottom rough is good too, but it looks a little flat up against your first design, so I would go with your first. I am going to have to latch onto the center alignment comment as something I would change because I have no other criticism.
Dominique Boudinot

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Re: Project One Rough Layouts

Post by Instructor »

Not bad.

I like your first one better, overall. I think the large gray triangle is rather oppressive and occludes the pretty nature photograph underneath it.

Your first design is an excellent example of balance using the many shapes of the headline, bodycopy, and buttons to balance out the large flower on the left. It has excellent contrast and is cleanly laid out and very easy to read and follow. The semi transparency allows more of the lovely field to be seen in the background while giving us the feeling that this is a window to something greater. The typography works well, too. A warm blend of a serif and script type evoke soft feelings of being in a field on a spring day. The red is used just enough to highlight things without becoming too busy.

Be careful on your margins with your headline and your buttons. Your headline's getting a little clippy on the right side. I would size your buttons to whichever word is the longest and then make a uniform sized button with the smaller words in them for the others.

Otherwise, looking good. Very good indeed.
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Re: Project One Rough Layouts

Post by wendy_boddy »

Hi Ashley,
Both layouts are clear and legible, but I prefer the layout of the first one. I like how you use a huge red flower and accent the flower with the buttons. I also how like how you use contrast of colors and fonts. I think this layout is very balanced. The second is cool and I like the background image. I like how you use diagonal lines. I almost want to see the red poppy in the gray area though.

Looking forward to seeing some photos from your new camera


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Re: Project One Rough Layouts

Post by recordd »

Hi Ashley,
I love both of your roughs! They are both balanced well, simplistic, visually appealing, & they definitely have a natural look/flow to them which is what you were going for. Great Job! If I had to choose which one I like better, it would be the one with the beautiful red poppy because I feel that it stands out way more than your second rough & it does have a better sense of balance that is appealing, as well. I like that you made the navigation the same color as the flower because that is the second thing that I noticed right away besides your name and title.
The two things that I would suggest is to consider making your type in the nav, body and bottom more bold so it is easier to read, I feel that it is getting lost in your image & the red blocks. I feel the about me box is little distracting I would consider maybe getting rid of the box & make the type black with the same font you used for class info. I hope this helps :-) I cannot wait to see your final design.
Danielle Record
