Lingling's project1 Preliminary critique

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Lingling's project1 Preliminary critique

Post by lingling_chen »

I am lingling chen. Here's my two roughs for my project one.
Rough1:As you can see, I create a gray pattern for the background, and play with the contrast of vivid color with the black and white to provide guidance for viewer,the color part is the information I want my web viewers to pay attention to. Rough 2: base on Grc175 class is a web design and publishing class, so I drew webs, spider elements as my web design ideas, the drawing is rough, just for showing my idea, and I know there are still a lot of details need to be change, colors, fonts,… but I think I will use the second one for this class’s home page. What do you guys think? Please let me know,thank you!

One of the inspirational websites is: ... 7f2760a033
great contrast for page, and shows the Rating and Color Scheme No. how nice!

the other one is ... web-design, once again, lights and dark contrast,fonts... Ha, there's video...check it out: )

Hope these two websites help you as well. :P

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Re: Lingling's project1 Preliminary critique

Post by paula_b »

Hi Lingling!
Your roughs are so fun! I'm leaning toward the first one for it's overall appearance. However, I know that you draw beautifully and am curious to see what you will do with the second idea. The words,"creating my vision", get a little lost in the background color, maybe you could darken that a bit to get them to pop out more.

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Re: Lingling's project1 Preliminary critique

Post by wendy_boddy »

Wow Ling Ling!
I really like your artwork. Its very revealing of your personality. Fun, colorful, bright. (tell me if i'm right) The first layout is cool and it gives a lot of options for your links. I like how there is a background and a foreground, it draws the eyes in. I do however prefer the second layout because your hair connects to the design and thats just super creative. you could easily animate a couple little things to compliment your art work. Both are great starts, if you are looking for direction i'd go with the second one.

Take care!


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Re: Lingling's project1 Preliminary critique

Post by ryansegal »

Hi Lingling,

Your designs both do a great job of demonstrating your creative personality. I personally prefer the first design, just from a standpoint that I'll explain in a minute, but your second design has that really great image in it!

The reason that I am leaning more towards the first design is that it is contained very nicely. As a website, if the user has a larger screen, then that design would stay roughly the same. I think the second design is limited to a very strict viewing size; if it gets any larger it spaces things out a bit much. As far as color goes, I think it needs more unification, and vividness! The grey of the first rough doesn't really help sell the idea of the creativity and spontaneity that comes from the rest of the design.

The spider web idea is cool, but I'm not sure really how it relates to you as a person or to the design. Perhaps a paint splatter for the center and brush strokes for lines? Just an idea. Can't wait for the final designs!
Ryan Segal
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Re: Lingling's project1 Preliminary critique

Post by dboudinot »

Hi Lingling,

I think both your designs are very creative.

I like the way you stylized the top rough, but I like the eye movement created by the bottom rough.

On the bottom rough you may want to consider choosing a different type to make your text easier to read.
Dominique Boudinot

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Re: Lingling's project1 Preliminary critique

Post by TsukimizuDC »


I love your designs very much. Your creativity really stands out in both concepts. The top rough reminds me of a travel album entry. But I'm really drawn in with the bottom rough because of the drawing. The waves of the hair really moves the eye so you can see the whole site. The only problem that I have is the type, if you can make it more visible, it will be more legible.

Again, great work Lingling :mrgreen:!
Dalanie "Tsukimizu" Chester

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Re: Lingling's project1 Preliminary critique

Post by ElizabethBrass »

Hi Lingling,
These are so creative and fun! I love them both. I like the stylization of the first rough. The only thing is that the "create my vision" gets lost in the background. try playing with different colors or shades. great work!

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Re: Lingling's project1 Preliminary critique

Post by Instructor »

Wow. These are just too much fun. Excellent work Lingling.

I think I slightly prefer your first design. I love the little spider and his world wide web metaphor in the second design. And that hair full of type is awesome, but there's a completeness to the first design that just appeals to me. Plus I'm a sucker for some good grunge. And that type veil just kicks all kinds of ass.

The first design's grunge is such a strong, strong, feature. It looks like some well used old artists desk or easel with all the splatters all over the place. I love the blending of type and your portrait, that's so slick. And the Carmen Miranda hat of art and design goodness directly representing creativity is so nifty. In between all that, it's actually a well laid out design that's easy to navigate and read. The typography works well and contrasts and enhances the layout.

Just a couple of tweaks. One, scoot "Web Design and Publishing I" to the left a bit and down slightly, it's crowding the top right corner of it's box. Two, I'd add a little more texture in on the navigation and make room for your inspirational websites.

Great, now I have to go listen to some Nirvana and Pearl Jam.
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Lingling's project1 Preliminary critique

Post by Miasera »


First off, great job on both of these designs. They both have a unique ring to them, but if I had to choose one I'd have to go with the first. While circles tend to be considered softer shapes, they actually give the layout a bold feel with the black outlines around them. I can't think of much to improve it other than pushing some of the elements closer together, it works well as it is!
Cristina Sánchez
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Re: Lingling's project1 Preliminary critique

Post by lingling_chen »

Thank you so much for who can make time and do critique on my roughs, I appreciate all your help. It is really hard for me to critique for everyone, sorry for that.

Good night.

