Roughs for Project 1

Post links to your Project One websites for discussion and feedback.
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Re: Roughs for Project 1

Post by Miasera »


I'm throwing in my vote to the second layout, the yellow of the color scheme works better with the blue, and the way the various elements are arranged makes it more balanced and easier to read through. I do like the paper look to them, so if you could find some way to keep that—such as having it as a background for some of the buttons—it would be great.
Cristina Sánchez
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Re: Roughs for Project 1

Post by justinepaigek »

Hi, Dalanie!

While both of your roughs are creative and eye-catching to say the least, I think I prefer the layout and use of colors in your second rough as opposed to your first. One thing I would suggest is to probably align your links on the right because right now everything seems just a little bit jumbled, and actually, it doesn't seem like you'll need links to your projects on the right as you already have a link to them on the top, where I imagine you'll place links for each project once the user navigates to that page. Hope this helps :)
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Re: Roughs for Project 1

Post by recordd »

Hi Dalanie,
Wow, I love both of these! They are extremely artistic and I can tell that you have put in a lot of effort creating them by hand not computer. I like your header it is eye catching and I think your color scheme goes well together. I think I will go with rough #1 I love the image of you in the middle but I would suggest maybe blurring out the background behind you because it is distracting. My suggestion would be to space out your navigation more it looks squished a little and I would move your contact me to the bottom. I can't wait to see your final rough!
Danielle Record

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Re: Roughs for Project 1

Post by ryansegal »


Both of these roughs express your interests very clearly, but I think the second one works a little bit better.

The first design has a weird hierarchy to it, in that the contact link is the most dominant element at the top of the page, rather than your header. The navigation on both designs seems a little too crowded; I think each link needs more space on the sides.

Your second rough is better in terms of order. The project links compete a bit with the header for visual control, but are interestingly placed. As to your resources button, the words beneath it are confusing. I don't feel they're needed at all, but if you wanted to keep them I would choose two adjectives rather than a verb and an adjective (inspiring and useful, as an example).
Ryan Segal
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Re: Roughs for Project 1

Post by schakarun714 »

Hey Dalanie, great ideas, both are really creative, but i think i like the first layout better. i think it shows your style a bit better, with the whole cosplay thing. i know the media you used to color the background and everything doesnt do it justice, but you definitely need some bright colors to go along with the concept.
Shalie C. Forever Dreaming
