Project 1 Preliminary Critique

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Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique

Post by ryansegal »


I think your first design is the better of the two. I agree with what the others have said about font choice; while they are eye catching and expressive, they don't make for a very readable or visually pleasing page. It does, however, have a very intriguing background image, as it could be interpreted to mirror the handmade style of your work.

The second design has nice color choices, but unfortunately it doesn't blend with your font color in any way. I think some sort of shape could be behind the text to anchor it to the rest of the design, and I wouldn't use black for any of the text.

Despite all of this, I think you have some solid bases that you can build upon, so I look forward to the final critique.
Ryan Segal
Radical Boy on a Mission
