Project 1 Final

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Project 1 Final

Post by Sierragirlnv »

So here is my final project one layout. I tweaked my logo a little and also took all of the suggestions about the "contact" button as well as the placement of the other links. I enlarged the image and adjusted the contrast issues by manipulating the photo a little. I think it definitely looks cleaner but I still would like to bring more creativity to it. I chose the photo because I felt it expressed the idea of the logo and the color scheme but then I felt locked into the design because it worked well and if I tried other images or added different colors I was having issues... Also on a side note in case anyone cares my logo has my first name, last name, and my middle initial, I thought it was clever ;-) . It also encapsulates where I grew up and have spent most of my life. I think I could design away forever creating more logos and choosing different images and so on and so on....but alas, there was a deadline and I had to take an idea and run with it.


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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by paula_b »

That is beautiful! I am totally drawn in to it and love everything about it! Great job!

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by recordd »

Hi Tiffani!
First, I want to tell you that on the last roughs I said for you to create a some sort of branding design and it was right there in front of my face lol...I love your branding idea it is brilliant, clever, and I think it would be a great business name for you, as well.
I love your final layout, it turned out perfect and beautiful! Your navigation looks awesome and it seems like the boxes are kind of floating off the white background. I think that you chose the perfect picture to express the idea of of your logo and like you said it is also part of you personally. I would have a hard time changing it also because all of it goes hand in hand. :) I wouldn't change a thing! Good Job!
Danielle Record

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by justinepaigek »


Your layout is so nice and easy to navigate and just really well organized. Everything about it I enjoy, and I think it works really well. Now the only flaw I see (and I know you're not going to like this) is the logo. I understand the concept of "Clear Design" but juxtaposed above the image of the waterscape and the second square behind your name not having a fill, your name gets lost and is hard to read as opposed to the bold, high-contrast left side. Also, I'm not sure if it's the typeface but the image just seems a little aliased? Anyway. This defeats the purpose, but you might consider placing something behind your name (or filling it with white) or positioning it above a lighter, un-patterned area so that your name pops off more. Or what might even be better is to lessen the size of the black square, just so it's not so dominant.
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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by mlauc »


I think you have a very nice design— very well organized and easy to navigate. My only criticism is that the "D" in design and "T" in tour name are hard to read.

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by aslychsm »

That photograph is fantastic, and I feel like you laid all the elements out nicely. I like that you implemented a white border, with the buttons just slightly overlapping, it gives the overall layout a cool layering effect. Your dynamic graphic in the center definitely speaks the loudest, as it was the first thing my eyes went to, which I'm sure is what you wanted. I think this is a very strong design! The only feedback I feel is necessary is to remove that inner outline in your main text block. To me it's not really necessary, and sort of complicates your otherwise clean and crisp home page.
a s h l e y c h i s a m

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by rrodriguez »

Tiffani…your home page photo is awesome. The photo really pulls you in and makes you want to see what else is going on with your page. I like the type treatment of your name/clear design in center of photo. The buttons on top are a nice touch for your navigation. I really don't have any suggestions other than maybe put your email somewhere on the page.
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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by schakarun714 »

I think your final design is very well done. i love how it flows and how the placement of the elements on the page gets my eyes moving.
Shalie C. Forever Dreaming

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by dboudinot »

Hi Tiffani,

Love your home page. The photo is beautiful, the light values create an airy effect, it's balanced perfectly, and the content is organized in a way that makes navigation super easy. Again, I love your design. My only suggestion is removing the smiley face from your text, and that's only because I don't want you to change anything else.
Dominique Boudinot

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by steven_dickson »

May i just say that those buttons are perfect! Your picture is so sweet! but those buttons are the icing. Good choice of the opacity levels!
Stay Classy
