
Post links to your Project One websites for discussion and feedback.
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Post by gotsatisfaction247 »

ps. Front page, has roll over buttons, when you go over them, their change the color (red stripes) to (yellow stripes), also when the curse is over the rollover buttens, the name of the button shows. there are total of 5 buttons (project 1, project 2, project 3, contacts, galary). that being said, the visiter of the page will know which butten is which and where it will take him or her.

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Re: final_project1_Amy_red

Post by paula_b »

Hi Amy!

Your final looks really good. I'm assuming that when a button is clicked it will take one to the "back" layout, if so, that is a nice idea. I would put the appropriate names on the buttons to begin with. I, personally, don't like a site that I have to search for the way to search the site. Your artwork is great!

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Re: final_project1_Amy_red

Post by gotsatisfaction247 »


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Re: final_project1_Amy_red

Post by wendy_boddy »

really awesome artwork and the rollovers are great. looking forward to seeing it develop =)

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Re: final_project1_Amy_red

Post by justinepaigek »

Hi, Amy!

Again, I love your use of color and shapes for such a bold design. I'm not quite sure I follow with your explanation of how the button works. Is there anyway the user could see what the link title is without having to rollover it? If you really want to use those images for your links, perhaps make them slightly transparent and make that the rollover, with the title popping off to ease legibility, would work better. Other than that the artwork is out-of-this-world.
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Re: final_project1_Amy_red

Post by recordd »

Hi Amy,
Great job on your final design! I really like the bold color scheme that you used and the unique artwork that you created in the background. I also like your idea for the hoover over buttons. What does the OASIB stand for? I really don't have any suggestions to it!
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Re: final_project1_Amy_red

Post by mlauc »

Hi Amy,

Your artwork is one of the strongest designs so far. The rollovers could be more clear and also suggest hyphenation be removed from the body copy.

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Re: final_project1_Amy_red

Post by aslychsm »

Wow! I'm really in awe. I think your designs are captivating and incredibly unique. I like when you can see how much effort was put into something, and yours clearly shows where your passions are. The color combination is great, as are all of the different, contrasting elements that make the overall layout superb. I especially like that you left a thick, black outer border, because it keeps things neat/organized despite all the intricate details. I'm struggling with feedback, as I can't really come up with something to suggest. Maybe remove the dashed scissor outline that's on the top-most title, but keep the little circular accents, just to make it less cluttered as there is a lot going on already.
a s h l e y c h i s a m

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Re: final_project1_Amy_red

Post by rrodriguez »

Amy Berger…your artwork is amazing. I'm a little unclear how the roll overs would work without seeing them first hand. Your website is cleaver, how the roll overs will un-mask your links. Interested to see how it will turn out. A suggestion while reading about the art without limits is un-hyphenate the paragraphs. Reading and having some words break apart was uneasy to read. But the overall layout and design, colors and font choices all work well together. it's your own personal twist to your artwork. Very awesome
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Re: final_project1_Amy_red

Post by Sierragirlnv »

Hi Amy
Great job on your final project I think your art is very unique and capturing however my question is will the pages all have color schemes that coincide with your art? Or will you carry the black, red, yellow, scheme throughout the website? I think the rollover buttons are a neat idea but it may confuse a first time viewer on your website that may not scroll through it.

