Project One Final

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Project One Final

Post by aslychsm »

Hi, everyone! This is Ashley with my final layout for project one.

During the preliminary critique, it seemed unanimous that I should go with the first layout. At first I didn’t want to agree, as I actually spent a lot more time putting the second one together, but as I read through the feedback I started seeing why. Interestingly enough, I really struggled finding ways to improve it. Not because I thought it was perfect, but because it was such a simple, simple design. In addition, even though I took the photos, I felt like the overall thing wasn’t personal enough. As a result, I threw in a picture of myself – because what’s more personal than that! I dropped the opacity a bit more in the text box, increased the size a little too, and gave the buttons some transparency, to help with legibility. In addition, I removed a few embellishments I thought were unnecessary to help make it cleaner.

…But let’s be real, it probably looks like I didn’t change a thing. Heh

Truthfully, I really just want to scrap the whole thing and try fiddling with my second layout. I feel like it has some undiscovered potential that needs coaxing out. It’s just being stubborn. But I'll admit, this one has grown on me a bit. I don't know, I'm just being indecisive. Regardless, thanks for reading!
a s h l e y c h i s a m

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Re: Project One Final

Post by paula_b »

Ashley, it looks good. I can see the changes that you made. Lowering the opacity on the navigation boxes is a tremendous improvement! They were blaring in the roughs. I like that you added a picture of yourself, nice touch! I totally understand the desire to scrap it and experiment with the other, I feel the same way about mine. The good news is that we can change it anytime we want! If I have to suggest something that would improve it more...... um..... maybe cut off the white border around the picture of you. Good work!
Last edited by paula_b on Fri Sep 26, 2014 1:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Project One Final

Post by recordd »

Hi Ashley!
I love it! Awesome job! :-) I agree with Paula lowering the opacity on the navigation was a good call. Now that I see it like this, it did make a big difference. I think it also made a difference that you took out the About Me box. I feel these changes and adding your self portrait balanced your whole layout and personalized it. I noticed that you removed the dashes on the top and bottom of your email address & at the footer, great choice there, as well. I only have one suggestion, I would split your paragraph into two at the word, Lately. Otherwise beautiful! :-)
Danielle Record

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Re: Project One Final

Post by rrodriguez »

Ashely Chisam….first and foremost, I like your sense of humor, it makes your website that much more fun to visit/read. That is an awesome picture of a zoomed in flower. The sharpness is to die for. I like the overall layout, it's simple indeed and it gets straight to the point. My suggestions…I really like the curve of the flower, I don't know how you'd feel incorporating buttons or text on the red petals? Just a little button or text nothing to take away from the awesome photo. Maybe even increase the size of the flower even more and put scatters of information on or around it. I like how you have your name prominent and your email underneath, maybe you don't need a contact button because your email is RIGHT there? And of course, your photo is a nice touch to personalize the entire site.
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Re: Project One Final

Post by justinepaigek »


Your website makes me want to sob internally and wonder why I lack your talent for creating such a pretty page. Your use of colors and type are well-coordinated with your imagery, it all flows well, is easy to read, and everything is just lovely. Also, your description gives me life. That is all.
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Van Gogh said this. Not the real one, probably, just the one in that episode of Doctor Who.

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Re: Project One Final

Post by mlauc »


Your site is very striking especially due to the strong red in the poppy. I suggest removing the hyphenation in the body copy and adding a little more visual space around the copy.

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Re: Project One Final

Post by kiwakom »


I love it! Your website design is so cute :)
I really like the color choices and photos.
Good job ;)


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Re: Project One Final

Post by dboudinot »

Hi Ashley,

I think your final design looks good. You have an interesting sense of color and space, and your about me section is really personal and funny. I don't really have a suggestion for improvement, maybe reducing the white border on your photo. That really may not accomplish anything though. Anyway Nice Work.
Dominique Boudinot

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Re: Project One Final

Post by steven_dickson »

This is great! I think that the white see through box around your info was perfect. And that flower is beautiful as well! haha. Getting back to the box though, That's really smart thinking so the text doesn't fade into the back ground. Nice
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Re: Project One Final

Post by old_man_pat »

Ashley, I have to say I really, really like your design! I wanted to comment on your roughs last go round, but ran out of time. From the beginning, I found myself pulled in with the vibrant red colors in your flower and the navigation boxes. The modification in opacity of your navigation was a nice touch.

I like how you've personalized your site with your own photo, along with an email/footer in cursive, as well as personal touches in your writing that put a smile on my face. The black foliage on the trimming of your photo was also nicely done.

If any suggestions are welcome, I would tweak where the line breaks in your paragraph so you don't have hyphenated content.

Regardless.....very nice. :-)
Patrick Smith
“To find yourself, think for yourself.”
