Lingling's final critique for project1

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Re: Lingling's final critique for project1

Post by kiwakom »

I like your design. The layout is good. Also, "Latest Work" box is great idea to promote your new designs. Good job!


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Re: Lingling's final critique for project1

Post by Instructor »

Heh. Looks like you had a lot of fun on this one.

You've got some really neat uses of texture on this thing. Some subtle and some not so much. I think the gold and blue are working together nicely as well. I like the big leaves/crashing waves elements you use throughout the design. For all it's detail and patterns, the website is easy to navigate and I have no trouble reading it.

I'm not fond of the sharp edges in it though, particularly on the blue box around the content. The blue wave/leaf element should go all the way across the design and not stop before the edges. Also watch your margins. The left content margin in your blue box is larger then your right.

All in all, a pretty decent example of grunge. Nice work.
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Re: Lingling's final critique for project1

Post by old_man_pat »

Lingling! This is really nice! You've created an extremely vibrant and colorful collage of images that doesn't detract from your layout and navigation. The navigation bar is very accessible and fits the design quite well. I like the paper-cutting effect where you placed the main content 'into' the footer. It adds to the design's depth. I like the blue floral arrangement in the header and footer. Also, the magical dust on the left side adds a sense of 'movement' that directs the eyes to your photo. I also like your tagline...a nice concept that fits this design very well.
The only suggestion I have is a different font for the body content. The text for your header and tagline seem like they require something more dynamic.
This is extremely well done. :-)
Patrick Smith
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Re: Lingling's final critique for project1

Post by gotsatisfaction247 »

Wow!!! Beutiful art work! I can see you put a lot of time and afort into this, it rely looks amazing! The only thing that I might do is make a white inside of you header solid instead of having a croyon effect, I think it will make it pop more and since you already have a lot of cool staff going on on you page I dont think you need that extra color pensil/crayon effect. Once again very beutiful illustrations!!! Need detail on your picture!!! Keep up the good work!!!

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Re: Lingling's final critique for project1

Post by ryansegal »

Hi Lingling,

The updated page looks great, quite a change from the roughs! It looks a lot cleaner and more organized now, and I love the papercraft sort of style that's going on. I think that to push that a little further, you could use a more solid typeface for your name and portfolio type at the top of the page. Also, it would be really cool if you put a white stroke around your wave shapes, followed by a subtle paper texture overlaid on top. This is a very nice looking design, however, and great work!
Ryan Segal
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Re: Lingling's final critique for project1

Post by georgia_novotny »

Hi Lingling,
I really like the personal artwork you have as the main concept for your portfolio.
That looks beautiful and I love the top with your name. Very stylish.

I think that the blue box at the bottom looks empty right now...
I would like to see something in that area or just take it out and enlarge your body text.

Otherwise looks good. Nice job.

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Re: Lingling's final critique for project1

Post by Miasera »

Hi Lingling,

Your final design is so unique and fun to look at, and even with all the different shapes it is easy to navigate and flows well (which fits well with the design and how it resembles water to me). I like the 3D effect you have going, though I'm not sure of the color for your background. Despite that, it's a great design and I admire your creativity.
Cristina Sánchez
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Re: Lingling's final critique for project1

Post by dzynecin88 »

This is a great design, eye catching and interesting. I like the frame you created and your use of color. It's a great way to integrate all of the information and creates a sense of adventure, like I want to explore your site further.
Cindy Salyer
