Project one final

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Re: Project one final

Post by Instructor »

Very nice work, Paula.

You've got yourself a great little frame here. The top bar with it's navigation and the bottom bar with it's class info really serve to frame your Pyramid lake image nicely. The serif type warms the whole composition and plays off the browns of the lake and your type very well. I also really like the contrast in the header and footer. Somehow, they don't dominate the image.

I don't particularly care for the super narrow type though. You've got all this room to breathe in your design. Use it!

Otherwise, very nice work indeed.
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Re: Project one final

Post by georgia_novotny »

Hi Paula,
I really like the photo you used as the main design concept.
Its a great image and speaks very strongly for northern Nevada.
Even though its a very simplistic design I think its very effective.
I like the placement of your title centered below the navigation bar which is very readable.

I think the body text could be bigger and maybe shaped like a long rectangle above all the mountains.
For some reason having it on the right feels a little unbalanced to me.
So I would try to balance it so its more centered and maybe goes wider.
Hope that makes sense.

Otherwise a very strong visual design.
I like it, nice job.

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Re: Project one final

Post by gotsatisfaction247 »

Beautiful picture, I like the way you positioned it in the background and that you can still see its beauty even with the text on it. It gives me great sence of commness. I might think of changing the top and bottom black header and footer to BROWN color that you used for your type or soemthig in that family. I think it will work much better wiht your earthy look that you have going on; it will unify with your body text and the mountains that you have in the backgrounds. Overall good job on your work!!

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Re: Project one final

Post by old_man_pat »

Paula! I appreciate how this design makes effective use of the black header and footer to frame the image and make navigation easy to follow. Your photograph is really well done and matches the content of 'new horizons' very well (or the body content matches it). I like peering over the rocks at Pyramid Lake's pyramid, with the mountains in the horizon, all of which is balanced nicely with your paragraph. The only suggestions would be a smaller, regular font for your footer text (it shouldn't be bigger than your navigation menu), and a smaller logo balanced with the rest of the footer content. I like the concept of new horizons, Paula, and this does a beautiful job of bringing that out. It even makes me want to go fish Pyramid again. :-)
Patrick Smith
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Re: Project one final

Post by ryansegal »

Hi Paula,

Your final definitely does have a simple and minimal overall motif to it. I think you could make your name bigger still, to draw more attention to it--let everyone know who designed it! The type also feels a little squished together horizontally. Overall though, I like the direction that it's going!
Ryan Segal
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Re: Project one final

Post by kiwakom »

I like your photo! That's so beautiful :)
Your layout is very clean, so it's easy to find info.
Great Job!


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Re: Project one final

Post by Sierragirlnv »

Hi Paula,
I like the way you balanced your layout between the image and the paragraph. You used earthy natural colors which invoke a calming feel to it. The only criticism I can say is maybe make the type a smudge bigger, otherwise great job!


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Re: Project one final

Post by Miasera »

Hi Paula,

Your design continues to have a serene feel to it, and I actually like how you've laid it out. I'm glad you've made the changes to the font, since that's where I had the most trouble with your previous rough. Since it's a work in progress, I think you're going in a good direction and look forward to where it goes as the semester goes on.
Cristina Sánchez
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