Project Two_Roughs

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Project Two_Roughs

Post by paula_b »

Hello all!
Here are my roughs for the redesign of a bad website My site is Blue Bear Flutes, you can look at their current page at
My goal is to organize and simplify their page. They really like blue, so I incorporated that color scheme into the first rough. I used gradients
on the header and the side bars to create a soft transition for the body copy.I also created a new bear logo since theirs was just not quite right.
For the second rough, I went with the Native American theme. I used a fancier font for the header, which might look good on the first rough. I'm
looking forward to your critique, you all are so talented and I love learning from your ideas and vision!
This is the "Home" page for rough 1.
This is the "Home" page for rough 1.
This is the "Flute" page for rough 1. You will be able to click on the title or the image to get more details, as well as, order.
This is the "Flute" page for rough 1. You will be able to click on the title or the image to get more details, as well as, order.
This is the "Home" page for rough 2.
This is the "Home" page for rough 2.
This is the "About" page for rough 2.
This is the "About" page for rough 2.

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Re: Project Two_Roughs

Post by recordd »

Hi Paula!
Great Job on both of your roughs! :-) I think both of them are clean, organized, easy to read and navigate through, and are also visually appealing. Rough #1, I love the blues! (my fav color) Your gradients go perfectly together and they are beautiful! Your logo is awesome and a very nice touch on both roughs. I love the simplicity of this layout, as well. The one thing that I would suggest is to maybe put your welcome paragraph together and the flute below it with a welcome title...just like you have it on your rough#2, I think it would balance it out a little more.
Rough #2, I really like this one for two reasons, one, the color scheme & navigation decoration that you have included really brings the heritage and the type of product that they are selling or promoting all together. Two, I love how your navigation is placed, it is unique, easy to read, and eye catching. I also like how you placed your welcome paragraph and image. I have one suggestion for you :-) I think the header title, footer info. and logo color would blend in a little bit more if you made them one of the colors out of your bead decoration...maybe the darker blue would work. Otherwise, I love it! :)
Danielle Record

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Re: Project Two_Roughs

Post by dboudinot »

Hi Paula,

I think you did an awesome job with both sets of roughs, I like the blue set more because there is a feeling of harmony that goes with the idea of flutes and music perfectly. I like the font from your second set of roughs a little more, so if you moved that to your monochromatic scheme I think it would be, again, awesome. I also think if you lowered the value of the headline a little, it might be easier to read. Good Job on both layouts though, I am really digging the vertical navigation that you and Danielle are considering. I might jump on that bandwagon and redesign my own website so I can be vertical too, lol.

I look forward to your final design choices.
Dominique Boudinot

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Re: Project Two_Roughs

Post by aslychsm »

Nice job on these! I like that you simplified them significantly from the website they're based on. I think both have a lot of potential to work off of, but I also feel like they have some empty spaces that make the rest of the content look like it's floating. Maybe try pushing some of the elements together more, instead of having them spaced so far apart. You're color choices are great! I think your second rough is definitely stronger, just play around with the negative space, or even add more content to make things feel more whole.
a s h l e y c h i s a m

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Re: Project Two_Roughs

Post by Sierragirlnv »

Hi there,
I like the layouts you designed. The second one is the one I am leaning towards. The first one is too blue but I do like how you cut out the flute and posted it prominently in the main content. The second layout maybe if you adjusted the opacity of the tribal design on the sides or de-saturated it a little it might work better. Great start.


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Re: Project Two_Roughs

Post by ElizabethBrass »

Hey Paula,

I am leaning more toward the first one. I think if you make the gaudiest on the top more subtle and pushed the darker blue in that gradient down the name would pop even more.

great start!

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Re: Project Two_Roughs

Post by georgia_novotny »

Hi Paula,
I like both of your designs as they look better than the website you picked.
Their site is very unorganized and seems to have things just stuck somewhere with now design forethought.
It goes on forever with info that should be on separate pages. No organization, good horrible website.

I like the rough 1 design concept more than the other concept.
Mostly because they are “blue bear flutes” so that just seems like the concept to go with.
Mainly because of style and color.

It looks very neat and cleanly laid out.
The navigation is very legible and I found it within 1 second.
I like the dancing beer logo you used instead of theirs. I think it looks better.

I would add more photos to that concept like the 2nd design.
Visuals are so great and will really make the design more successful than it already is.
Also I would go with a different font for the banner/tile… something that feel more "dancing" like.

Looks like a good start, nice job.

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Re: Project Two_Roughs

Post by mlauc »

Hi Paula,

I like both of your designs. I am leaning toward the 2nd rough with the name in a handwriting script, I think the blue logo contrasts nicely against the dark brown. I also like the addition of a native american pattern to give the site personality.

For the about page, I suggest more environmental portraits of the couple that include their flutes. Something that reflects a kind of friendliness and approachability.

Nice work!

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Re: Project Two_Roughs

Post by wendy_boddy »

I think both layouts are very clean and organized. The blue one is very pleasing to the eye, but I like that the second one has a native american pattern. Either direction you go, incorporating a native american pattern would be good.


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Re: Project Two_Roughs

Post by rrodriguez »

Paula, I like what you're doing here. The original site is confusing and I didn't even know they were selling flutes or native. I like the layout with the color scheme of browns and yellows, plus it has a more native feel to it. The buttons are designed within the patterns of the layout, cleaver use. It's way easier to read than original, and more professional as well. I don't really have any suggestions other than to maybe bold the headline a little more. You did a great start
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