Project 2 Preliminary Critique

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Project 2 Preliminary Critique

Post by TsukimizuDC »

What up guys and gals,
This is your neighborhood cosplayer Dalanie Chester and here are my roughs for Project 2.

The website that I have chosen to redesign is

Now I know some of you might be asking, "What the **** is SNAFU Con?" Don't panic, I can answer that. SNAFU stands for Sierra Nevada Anime Fans Unite!. This is the local anime convention that occurs annually. Since I have been attending for the last three years (four if you count this year) I have used the site to register and get information. But unfortunately, the whole site was so one side heavy that I really wanted to make a better version that any attendee would navigate it better. I also color coded this post so I don't get confused again with which rough you guys are talking about.

For my first set of roughs, I wanted to fix up the problem of every type, icon, and even the image that has been stuck over to the left margin. I changed the background color and added another image to make the top of the page a little more balanced. I also fixed the typefaces that was being used for the header and for the navigation bar. I moved the sponsors to the right for more balance. For my interpage, I used the guest page and did major remodeling of the page. I put the guests into different categories.

For my second set of roughs, I got the inspiration from another anime convention site, FanimeCon. Here's the link for the site: Anyways, I moved the navigation bar to the top with the logo and added a search icon to the navigation bar. For the interpage, I used the registration page. I added a big, red button to attract the user to register for the convention. I spaced out the prices and added the additional information about the badges.

Hope you guys enjoy it!!
Interpage of rough 2
Interpage of rough 2
Home page of rough 2
Home page of rough 2
Interpage of rough 1 (don't mind my spelling.)
Interpage of rough 1 (don't mind my spelling.)
Home page of rough 1
Home page of rough 1
Dalanie "Tsukimizu" Chester

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Re: Project 2 Preliminary Critique

Post by aslychsm »

How fun! These are good. I think you did a great job reorganizing the site to make it more navigable. I especially like all the little details you included to keep your redesigns similar to the original website. If I had to choose, I'd honestly go with the first layout you posted, primarily because I like the color choices more paired with the white content boxes. I think you need to work on the margins of the main text body, to make it more balanced, because it's more left-heavy. Also, like with your homepage, you should keep that main image of the girl on your second page for consistency. But good start!
a s h l e y c h i s a m

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Re: Project 2 Preliminary Critique

Post by recordd »

Hi Dalanie!
Great Job on both of your roughs! They are both organized, easier to navigate through, and have a much cleaner look than the original site. You definitely will not be scrolling forever like the original (especially on the special guests page lol). I'm leaning more towards rough #1, because I love the color scheme. The purple background makes all the elements pop off the page. I feel it is much more balanced and the layout seems more open. The main and the quick links navigation are easy to find and I like that you added the girl to the other side of the logo it makes the logo stand out. On rough #2, I feel that your image in the header takes over most of the homepage so it makes it look really squished on the bottom half. One suggestion that I have for rough #1 is to make your paragraph type a little smaller then maybe widen all of your content boxes a little more to open it up a little more.
Danielle Record

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Re: Project 2 Preliminary Critique

Post by paula_b »

Hey there!
I have to go with rough #1, nicely done. I like the colors on rough 2 better with the design of rough 1. I agree that the body copy needs to be reduced a bit in size. Good job Missy!

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Re: Project 2 Preliminary Critique

Post by mlauc »

Hi Dalanie,

I like the 1st rough you've created. The registration information is easy to understand. I suggest carrying the main image to the second page and to reduce the button size. Also, reduce the copy size down enough to take off the force-condensed type. I would also change the sponsor logos to b/w so they don't fight with the site's color scheme.

Nice work!

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Re: Project 2 Preliminary Critique

Post by georgia_novotny »

Hi Dalanie,
I like your design so much more than the original website.
I like the “home page of rough 2” with the “interpage of rough 1”
I think those 2 design look good together and would be successful if you did that.

I like the homepage with the XL photo.
The info looks good centered below it.
I like the color scheme.
The photos on the interpage are arranged nicely.
I like the feeling of that page.

I would work with the date some more on the homepage.
I think its just sitting off to the left and needs to be more present as it’s the events dates and is very important etc.
The top navigation bar on the homepage needs work as the black letting blends in with the background and is hard to see.
Maybe change them to white or a lighter color that you have used on the composition.
The interpage looks good, maybe move the left side nav links in a little so it’s off the edge and more centered.

Hope some of that helps.
Looks good, nice job!

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Re: Project 2 Preliminary Critique

Post by rrodriguez »

Dalanie, I like the layout where the headline is big and in the center on top, and the characters are on the sides. Cleaver and creative way to make the page look interactive. The circles show casing different guests coming to the event are a nice touch. It’s a good and informative layout. I would play with different fonts for the body copy, and leading. You’ve done an awesome start
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Re: Project 2 Preliminary Critique

Post by dboudinot »

Hi Dalanie,

You put a lot of work into these. I think I like the top layout more than the bottom, because it doesn't feel quite as busy as the bottom set, and I like the large main image. I think would move the smaller text off of "SNAFU" because I am having a hard time reading it. I would also shrink the registration button down. I like the consistent color scheme and font choices. Both of these have a lot of potential. Good Start!
Dominique Boudinot

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Re: Project 2 Preliminary Critique

Post by hummela »

first i noticed that you kept it similar to the main website as the color scheme. Kind of a cool ideal to keep it kind of the same. I like rough 1 more more organized, easy to go threw clean layout.
Alexa Hummel :)

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Re: Project 2 Preliminary Critique

Post by Instructor »


Of the two, I'd say I like the second better. I like the colorscheme and the mascot character free floating in the background rather than being in a box of some sort. The layout itself is very traditional which makes these things easy to follow. The navigation is easy to find and the primary navigation is easy to use. The secondary navigation is a little cluttered though.

In fact my big issue with both designs is clutter. There's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Too much going on and the eye gets confused looking at it, quickly bouncing from one thing to another. This design could most benefit from three things: simplification, simplification, and simplification. Take a look at the home page and ask yourself, "Self, what is the bare minimum I need to communicate here?" and strip out all the rest. Try to do as much of your communicating with imagery and layout as you can.

I'd also loose the colored borders. They add to the chaos to me.

Less all caps as well. It feels like you're shouting at me. Typographically the site's other wise not too bad, though watch your margins and padding throughout.

I think, with a bit of housecleaning, you have a nice little website going here. Simplify it and you'll be doing much better.

Good effort!
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