Preliminary Critique for Project 2 - CP

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Preliminary Critique for Project 2 - CP

Post by MoonflowerGraphics »


Here is my preliminary critique for Project 2.
I only have one set as of now, but I enjoy it quite a bit.

I don't have the exact font I want throughout, but I still want an easy-to-read sans-serif.
The green text will be links.
The original site didn't have movie posters, so I added them and added links to trailers.
The background may have texture instead of gradient, but I think the black/gray/green works well with the existing color scheme.

Thank you.
Candace Paulson
--Moonflower Graphics

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Re: Preliminary Critique for Project 2 - CP

Post by aslychsm »

(You should post a link to the original website, just so all of us can compare, and see how much you improved it!)

You did a great job putting this together. I definitely get a 'movie theater' vibe from the finished product. Also, the fact that the website didn't have movie posters/trailers/etc is crazy! It was a smart idea to add those in, as it really makes the layout more realistic. You even put movie times! I think what really draws my eyes though, is the name/title against the black background. It makes it look like it's glowing! My only suggestion is to play around more with the main body typeface, particularly the navigation bar, I believe there is a better font out there that can make this website even more interesting.
a s h l e y c h i s a m

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Re: Preliminary Critique for Project 2 - CP

Post by Sierragirlnv »

Hi there,
I like where you are going with this idea...I can see popcorn and those red and white striped containers in the back round somewhere because the feel it is taking on is it's an old fashioned theater. I looked up the actual website and that is pretty awful with the rainbow colored gradient is too much and the neon bright color scheme... ick!
You have good organization and I think with a theater people don't want to search much they just want the movies playing, ticket prices and showtimes. Otherwise I couldn't imagine what else a viewer would want...


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Re: Preliminary Critique for Project 2 - CP

Post by hummela »

I am liking both of your layout i like the bottom one showing what the theater looks likes, always nice especially if its your first time going sometime you dont know what your getting yourself into haha but i think the first one might work better due it to being a theater and you watch movies there, having the main showings on the front page is nice easy to get to
Alexa Hummel :)

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Re: Preliminary Critique for Project 2 - CP

Post by paula_b »

Hi Candace!
I like #1 for a home page, though I'm sure about the "Sky Vu" image. Maybe because I just looked at the original site and the stars are still in my eyes, lol! The other rough would make a nice inner Good start!

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Re: Preliminary Critique for Project 2 - CP

Post by recordd »

Hi Candace!
Great job of your roughs! I looked up the original site and is so unorganized and the neon color scheme blinds you. I really like how you have made this site way more simplistic, subtle, easier to read and navigate through, & is way more organized. Your layout is perfect and I really like that you added the thumbnail images and links to the trailers of the movie it makes the site more user friendly and it really adds character to the page. I just can't find any suggestions on your design..I think it is perfect the way it is!
Danielle Record

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Re: Preliminary Critique for Project 2 - CP

Post by mlauc »

Hi Candace,

I like how you've highlighted the neon sign and pulled in the green accent color. It would be fun to add the vintage, neon sign look to the navigation as you scroll over each category. The san serif font is a good choice, it's modern and easy to read.

Great job!

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Re: Preliminary Critique for Project 2 - CP

Post by rrodriguez »

Candace, I like layout 1 where the layout shows pictures of the actual theater and what it has to offer because it's informative and helps viewers understand what's going on. The buttons font could be a little thicker but overall a good start to the home page. Can't wait to see how you treat the inside pages. It's coming along really good
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Re: Preliminary Critique for Project 2 - CP

Post by dboudinot »

Hi Candace,

I'm really digging the gray background, I think it brings focus to your images. The layout is good; the colors are good. I think once you add a little variety to your font, you will have a strong design. Good Job!
Dominique Boudinot

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Re: Preliminary Critique for Project 2 - CP

Post by Instructor »

No second design? Harrumph Image

Though what you do have IS pretty good.

I like using the marquee as the logo in the top left and the green, gold, and gray colorscheme works pretty well. The website uses contrast nicely to give the whole thing a neon feel. The content container stands out nicely just by virtue of being a gray box on a gradient. And the use of pictures on the home page really sells it. Wish they were larger!

The nav is easy to read, though it does need to be vertically centered and I think it could use a bolder font. Perhaps a drop shadow too.

Move the "Historic Luxury Sit-Down and Drive-In Theaters" text to the left slightly so it's right edge and your nav's right edge are in alignment. Do the same for "Monroe, Wisconsin" as well.

I like what you have going on here. I think with a few tweaks it could be pretty great. I look forward to seeing it live!
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