project two final critique

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project two final critique

Post by aslychsm »

Hello, all!

Let me just say I did not give myself enough time to do this properly.

For my home page, I mentioned in a past critique that I wasn’t really happy with my
final design. So I saw this as an opportunity to make something I felt was more suitable
to my style. (And I’ll just throw this out there, I put this one together using the slicing
tool in photoshop. Boo! I know. No sense in hiding it. I’ve already mentally prepared
myself for the loss of points, but I will say that it did contribute to my learning.)

As for my website redesign, it looks nothing like what I posted during the preliminary. I
didn’t feel confident in my ability to recreate it using HTML, at least not well, so I came
up with something on the fly! It’s a little crude, and kind of tacky, but I believe it sums
up the requirements for project 2… hopefully.

Here is the link to the original website:

Needless to say, I did this all today, redesigns and all. Which really isn’t saying much,
but I’m darn proud of these sad websites! Most of the credit goes to the instructor, but
YouTube certainly had a huge influence.

I approached this assignment a nervous wreck, but walked away with a completely new
understanding. I feel so much more comfortable with Dreamweaver, and coding in general,
even though my project might not reflect that.

Overall, I’m content with how things went. I know they’re not great, but I’m just happy I
submitted anything at all. Thanks for reading!

My final:

*And yes I am aware I misspelled panicking. I will fix that eventually... :|
a s h l e y c h i s a m

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Re: project two final critique

Post by lingling_chen »

Hi, ashley. I like your redesign web, it is nice and clean, very neat! Good job!


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Re: project two final critique

Post by kiwakom »

I like new design!
The texture on the background and navigation is wonderful! Looks great!
Also, I like the font choices.

I like the pizza background for redesign website. Also, the layout is great.
I think you should put original website link on your homepage :)

Other than that, good job!


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Re: project two final critique

Post by dboudinot »

Hi Ashley,

I really like your personal homepage and your redesign. I like how neat and compact everything is. Navigation is simple and straightforward. The only thing I might change is the font for the banner/header because it's a little hard to read, but other than that I really like it. Great Job!
Dominique Boudinot

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Re: project two final critique

Post by gotsatisfaction247 »

What are you talking about, I think your staff is great!!! I love the front page, the way you stylized the navigational buttons, looks cool.Also I like the way you redesign your second project. It is very clean look with very appetizing pictures!!! Great choice of warm bright colors for food website, red is known to make people hungry. Take some more pride in your work, you did a very good job!!!

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Re: project two final critique

Post by recordd »

Hi Ashley!
You did an awesome job on both of your sites! Your homepage design turned out great! Your color scheme goes well together, the background adds character & personalization, and it is a simple & well balanced layout. I really like your re-design site, as well. Very clean, simplistic, color scheme is balanced, & all of your images are visually appealing and making me hungry. lol One suggestion that I have is to make your whole navigation font a little bigger and maybe center it in the red bar. Otherwise, nice job!
Danielle Record

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Re: project two final critique

Post by rrodriguez »

Ashely Chisam,

I like this portfolio page a lot. If you were going for a more creative and innovative look, this definitely does it. Simple is more and more is simple. As for your redesign, I totally get it. This project was hard as hell if you've never done coding before. Your original design was really nice, but this final design looks just as good. You have a way of picking good photos and laying out everything in a clean and professional manner. Makes me want to order pizza from them right now! I like the background too, you finally got those pizza icons in there lol. Great job.
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Re: project two final critique

Post by paula_b »

Ashley, your personal page looks great! Clean and simple. Did you use the slice tool because you were thinking about pizza? ;) (Corny, I know...) The redesign looks good. much better that the original. i think it's great, considering that you did it in a day!

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Re: project two final critique

Post by hummela »

I like the texture of your personal site, looks good.
your redo site came out nice, it definitely says pizza to me i like the background you picked.. its more fun an food related.
Alexa Hummel :)

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Re: project two final critique

Post by Sierragirlnv »

Hi Ashley,

I like the redesign of your project two. I think a pizza restaurant has to be simple. People aren't looking for much more than hours, prices, and menu, oh, and to look appetizing. It is a simple layout that effectively tells the audience what they are looking at, I mean pizza wall paper better sell pizza, right?
Great job!

