Project 2

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Project 2

Post by kiwakom »

Hi Everyone :) I'm Kiwako.

Finally I did it!!! Yay!
Thank you Dominique and LingLing for helping me!

For my home page, I used the two pizza photos to navigate to my website redesign pages.

For my website redesign, I made five pages, which are home, menu, events, services,and location.
I don't like a Google map, so I made a new map in Illustrator.
I'm not sure about the drop shadow... looks so wired, but I saved for web as PNG-24.
I'm not happy about my navigation bar. I tried to move it to over the photo like my preliminary design, but I couldn't figure out how can I do that.
Also, I wanted to change the font, but I couldn't do that.
It's was changed on the Dreamweaver, but on the Internet, it's was changed to Times New Roman....
So, I just selected Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif font family :(

Anyway, here is my website:

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Re: Project 2

Post by dboudinot »

Hi Kiwako,

I'm glad you got your website up! I really like what you did. The original website is terrible. Your wood background is great. I love all the imagery you used in your banners, I love the way you used transparency, and the content is good. Your website made me hungry. Since your site is a fixed layout, I wish the pixel size (height and width) was a little smaller, but that's my only critique. Really Good Job Kiwako.
Dominique Boudinot

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Re: Project 2

Post by gotsatisfaction247 »

I very like the project 2 redesign, looks very very good!!! The colors and overall layout works great, also the logo looks cool. One thing about the logo, I might take away the black dots from the pizza slice and change them to ether just clear cutout holes or don't have them all all. As far as the project one, I also very like overall concept, it has a unique style to it, the background image is beautiful, but I think its resolution is just a little bet to low, I might try to bring it a little bet up. Overall, You did a very good job, everything looks and works great!!!

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Re: Project 2

Post by recordd »

Hi Kiwako! Wow! Both of your designs turned out perfect! Once again, I love your background image of your hometown it is calming and eye catching. I love how you set up your navigation where you click on project 2 and your description is there and both links to your sites that you re-designed are easy to access. I think it is a easier to navigate through and I don't have to guess where I am going next! Your site that you re-designed is my favorite out of everyones so is visually appealing, organized & clean, well balanced & professional, way better than the original site, color scheme goes well together, I love the wood background it is unique and adds character, & last overall this site should be posted in place of the old one, so I hope you called them to schedule a meeting. Awesome Job!!!
Danielle Record

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Re: Project 2

Post by aslychsm »

I love your website redesign, all the smiling faces and photos of pizza really make me want to go there! The wooden floor background was a great choice, as it gives the whole design a very rustic and comforting vibe. And that drop-shadow really pops if off the screen! The only thing about it I think could be done differently is maybe centering the navigation bar, it feels a a little crowded in the corner. Your home page is very simplistic, and even though the photo is a grainy, I kind of like it that way! I do think putting a small headline somewhere on the page would make it stronger though, but great job, Kiwako!
a s h l e y c h i s a m

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Re: Project 2

Post by rrodriguez »

Kiwako Miura,

Your portfolio is awesome as hell! I love the big photo in the background. And the navigation into project 2 is very cleaver, having bad pizza and good pizza icons (so cool). And this redesign website is very clean and professional. The type choice is great, it's big enough to read and still gives a hint of creative design work. After viewing your redesign, I can tell you put a lot of work into it. Great job!
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Re: Project 2

Post by paula_b »

Kiwako, you nailed this assignment all the way! Your personal page really shows that sometimes less is more! The redesign is so professional and clean. They should pay you to handle their site! The imagery is great, as well as font choices. I agree that the navigation could be more to the left. Good work!

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Re: Project 2

Post by Sierragirlnv »

Hi Kiwako,

Great job on project two. I think getting it to work was 90% of the battle, haha. I like the layout and the images give it a great friendly feel, but maybe because I am looking at it from a desktop perspective the images are huge! Maybe if you made it so the top and bottom fit all on the page without having to scroll would help. Otherwise great job.


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Re: Project 2

Post by hummela »

pretty cool you found a local place for your redo site, you differently upgraded the place! good job on that part the photos you got are working really good to reel people in, its working for me at least.
i also enjoy your personal layout your navigation are easy to get through
Alexa Hummel :)

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Re: Project 2

Post by Instructor »

Awesome! Another set of cool sites.

Nice work realizing your Project One design, Kiwako. I love the imagery and the semi-transparency. Very nice work on that one.

Your Project Two is equally as good. It feels very professional to me, like a "real" website for the Pub 'n' Sub might feel. Have you pitched a redesign to them yet? If not, you should. I like the wood background. It gives it warmth and an inviting feeling. Makes me want to go and have a beer there myself. The semi transparent white makes a good presentational space for your information as well. I have no trouble reading the bold bodycopy, even if it is a bet strong. I really like the large image banner at the top of every page. The images there serve to reinforce the content of the page without having to get too wordy.

Just a couple of suggestions. I would make the navigation slightly larger and bolder so it's easier to see and use (maybe make the nav type brown?). I'd also use a thinner and less bold type for the bodycopy. Also, you need to reflow the type on your services page. Some hard returns are giving you odd line breaks.

Extremely nice work! I look forward to seeing what you do for Project 3.
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173
