Project 3 Rough ideas....

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Project 3 Rough ideas....

Post by Sierragirlnv »

Ok, somehow I KNEW we were going to have to re-construct something TMCC... I KNEW it!
Anyways I took two completely different ideas for re-constructs on this one. One you are going to say is weird but I really like it for some reason. The other is good but it is still a work in progress, should I choose to go that route.
If you get a chance to read the Bios on the second re-design I highly recommend it, it's some of my best work if I do say so myself..haha!
In the first re-design I took variants of the color of the logo and emphasized words that represent "graphic communications" and went from there with it. I have such trouble staying with one idea it's ridiculous, but really read those bios...
Oh, a side note how in the world do you get the files to upload in the order you want them?? I have tried like three different ways and it's not working out for me. So my pages are all out of order from the way I wanted to present them...
instructor bio page tmcc.jpg
overview page tmcc.jpg
home tmcc page.jpg
home tmcc.jpg

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Re: Project 3 Rough ideas....

Post by rrodriguez »


I like the design with tilted squares and rectangles. I'm with you, it's something about it that's intriguing. It has an artistic feel to it. Bringing this design into a website would be creative and cool. I felt the second design is good. I get the type treatment play you're trying to make, but it's difficult to read. This is just my personal visual quirky thing, is type in one huge paragraph it hard to read, I lose focus. I'm a product of mass media - give me small spurts of information at a time. Maybe break the info into two columns, if you do decide to chose this one. And the bios were funny, I laughed, I cried, i laughed again. Almost makes me want to read what you'd say about Dan.
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Re: Project 3 Rough ideas....

Post by recordd »

Hi Tiffani!
Good Job on both of your Project 3 Roughs! I agree with Rosa...I really like the uniquely creative design with the tilted squares, lines, and rectangles. I think the whole layout is very artistic, creative, clean & simplistic, and is really unique! The random boxes & lines add character to the design and the eye image catches your eye! lol :-) My suggestion would be to make all of your type a little bigger, especially the page titles so the user would know which page they are on. Also, maybe add a secondary color (like the green from the eye) to brighten the design a little. Other than that I love it and can't wait to see your final design!
Danielle Record

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Re: Project 3 Rough ideas....

Post by paula_b »

Hi Tiffani! I love the geometric design! It's very appealing and comfortable to me. The other rough says chaos to me, but I'm old! Ha ha! You're not going to leave Dan out of the bio's are you?!? I'm anxious to see where you go with these.

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Re: Project 3 Rough ideas....

Post by georgia_novotny »

Hi Tiffani,
Good job I like all your designs.
I think the homepage with the colored words is my favorite.
I like what you did there and should incorporate that idea onto other pages.

Nice Job,

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Re: Project 3 Rough ideas....

Post by old_man_pat »

Tiffani! I especially like your design with the lines and angled, intersecting rectangles. It has a clean, modern feel which I think fits the subject well. The green eye coming through the transparent box struck me as a very nice touch. I agree with Danielle that the type could be a little larger on the home page. Also, I would change the black type over the dark background in the Bio page to white, like you did for the home page. For me, this design was stronger than the first design emphasizing type. The random assortment of words was distracting in my eyes. I really enjoyed your bios, by the way. I was I going to have a field day with them, but after reading yours, I realized my ideas were nowhere as fun. I'll have to stick with the ordinary descriptions. :-(
Nice work! I look forward to seeing your final design.
Patrick Smith
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Re: Project 3 Rough ideas....

Post by dboudinot »

Hi Tiffani,

I like the top set more because the design is strong without being to cluttered while the bottom set feels more like a website for makeup artists to me. Again, I would just try to get some consistent design elements throughout all the pages maybe with font choice or geometric shapes.
Dominique Boudinot

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Re: Project 3 Rough ideas....

Post by kiwakom »

I LOVE the design with tilted squares and rectangles!
It's very professional, and I think it represents the GRC program very well.

Good job!


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Re: Project 3 Rough ideas....

Post by Instructor »

Oooooh. A super cool geometric second design. Go with that!

Such a strong, eye-catching layout on the second design. The right angle geometry is so awesome. Nice use of semi-transparency too. I like the way the images are almost being seen through layers of stained glass. And the diagonal nature of the layout will really make it stand out amongst a sea of vertical and horizontal websites. The navigation, despite being small, is easy to find, use, and follow. It even uses contrast pretty well in some spots.

The only real area where it fall down is type. Enlarge your type area on the home page, left justify your type, add some room between paragraphs, and add margin all around your home type block. On your instructor bio page, change the background color of the type blocks to white, add a little top and left margin to Ron's bio and shrink the type on all three by a point or two. On the page title/navigation, right align your page title so it's always at the right of your navigation and add in a unifying element with it and the TMCC logo (perhaps a horizontal line).

You've got one heck of an eye-catching design here. Make it a real website please, so I can show my co-workers.
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Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 3 Rough ideas....

Post by schakarun714 »

I am most deff liking the the first home page layout better. I love how you used solid black boxes at different sizes to create a background, its simple yet visually intriguing. and the opaque content boxes add to the layout as well.
Shalie C. Forever Dreaming
