Project 3 - Preliminary Critique

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Project 3 - Preliminary Critique

Post by ryansegal »

Hey everyone,

Here are my rough designs for our final (!!!) project. Both of my designs take on a minimalist approach to redesigning the GRC website. My first set is the less minimal of the two. I wanted to maintain some sort of continuity with the original, although I know that wasn't necessary. Hence, my second set is entirely different from the original. I wanted to create something that was very clear and bold in its design. I created the logo that goes along with the second designs in GRC 118, and I really like it, so I gave myself an excuse to dust it off.

As far as the typefaces go, I'm definitely open to changing the first sets' fonts, particularly the large headline's. I don't think it's what I want yet. The second set I want to maintain the smooth sans serif look, but if I could find one with a little bit more character, maybe a slight curl at the end of the R, then I might consider changing that up.
Ryan Segal
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Re: Project 3 - Preliminary Critique

Post by rrodriguez »


I like both designs because of the minimalist treatment of layout and fonts. It's easy to read and everything looks like it fits perfectly within the space provided. Your logo for rough 2 was cool in grc 118 and is still cool now for this project. Both layouts would work, but I do tend to like rough 2 more because of your logo. If I were to suggest anything, it would be playing with color for your fonts. Maybe make all your headlines one particular color and subtitles another color, so that it creates a color scheme to mix with your clean layout. It would look hot. Look forward to seeing what you come up with.
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Re: Project 3 - Preliminary Critique

Post by paula_b »

Hi Ryan! I really like the design of rough 2. I do, however, miss color, even if it was just one word. Actually, I kind of like that idea! Ha ha! Good start!

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Re: Project 3 - Preliminary Critique

Post by recordd »

Hi Ryan!
Great job on both of your roughs! I think I like rough #2 a little better than rough #1 because I feel that a user would get confused on the navigation. Rough #2's clean & simplistic layout is easy to navigate through and read. I really like the GRC logo it is eye catching. I think this design would stand out if you added a secondary color and some imagery to the homepage. Nice job and I cant wait to see your final design!
Danielle Record

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Re: Project 3 - Preliminary Critique

Post by lingling_chen »

Hi Ryan
Good job on both roughs! very clean and easy to read. I like the color choice on your rough1, and I like the type logo for the GRC department on your rough2.


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Re: Project 3 - Preliminary Critique

Post by Sierragirlnv »

Hi Ryan,

I like your second rough it has a nice appeal to it. I was wondering about the word "about" was it supposed to be a different color? If so, I would make it red or another striking color to differentiate itself from the rest of the type. You have a good eye for type set it has a magazine affect to it.

Great start.


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Re: Project 3 - Preliminary Critique

Post by georgia_novotny »

Hi Ryan,
I think your designs both look good.

I think I like your rough 2’s a little more because of the GRC area.
I think that looks very professional.

Maybe combine them with your first design to add some of the green TMCC color.
Nice Job,

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Re: Project 3 - Preliminary Critique

Post by old_man_pat »

Hey Ryan, nice designs. I prefer your second set of roughs, namely because of your logo. I like what you've done with the minimalist design, as well as your choice in font. I agree with those who suggested it would benefit from at least a secondary color. I also find the navigation menu is easier to follow than in rough 1. I look forward to seeing what you decide for your photograph when you finish your design. Nice job.
Patrick Smith
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Re: Project 3 - Preliminary Critique

Post by dboudinot »

Hi Ryan,

I like the second set of roughs more because I like the horizontal composition and strong contrast. You might consider adding some pops of color to it though.
Dominique Boudinot

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Re: Project 3 - Preliminary Critique

Post by kiwakom »

I like your rough 2 design.
It's very simple, but it's not boring.
I think if you change the color of the GRC logo, it looks good.
I also like the font choices.

Good job!

