Dalanie's Project 3 preliminary work

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Dalanie's Project 3 preliminary work

Post by TsukimizuDC »

Hey guys and gals,

Cosplayer Dalanie Chester present and accounted for is here to present my roughs for Project 3.

Rough 1:
For rough #1, I went a little basic with the color design. I added a paintbrush insert on part of the design. For the instructor bio page, I moved the photos of the instructors to both sides of the box and I'm going to align the information of the instructors with the photos.

Rough 2:
For rough #2, I added our school mascot within the navigation bar. Instructor page, I zig-zagged the images and going to do the same thing with the information.

Sorry for not adding some information about the instructors, I just didn't have a clue to write down, but I hope you guys enjoy.
Dalanie "Tsukimizu" Chester

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Re: Dalanie's Project 3 preliminary work

Post by lingling_chen »


I like both of your roughs. Good color, and graphic choices. Good job!


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Re: Dalanie's Project 3 preliminary work

Post by rrodriguez »

Cosplayer Dalanie,

Both layouts would work for this project. But I tend to like rough 2 layout and elements better. Using TMCC mascot is a nice touch. I would maybe suggest having the mascot logo on page once, a new viewer unfamiliar with TMCC or the Graphic Communications Program might think we're infested with happy lizards or something. Your font choices are easy to read. Good start
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Re: Dalanie's Project 3 preliminary work

Post by paula_b »

Hi Delanie, good job on both roughs! I find it difficult to choose one. I think I have to go with rough 1. I like the overlap of the boxes and the paintbrush. If you decide to go with rough 2, I agree that one lizard would be a better choice. The color schemes and font choices are strong in both designs. Good job girl!

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Re: Dalanie's Project 3 preliminary work

Post by recordd »

Hi Dalanie!!
Nice job on both of your designs! I really like both of them (the typography & color schemes) but I think I'm going to go with rough #1. I really like the well-balanced layout, the paintbrush adds character, & the navigation is easy to locate. I feel the layout and content is more spaced out in this design than the other. One suggestion that I would make is to move the TMCC address info. down to the bottom of the design. I can't wait to see your final layout!
Danielle Record

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Re: Dalanie's Project 3 preliminary work

Post by Sierragirlnv »

Hi Dalanie,
Your roughs for project three are off to a good start. Now that we have learned transparency it might work well for your designs. I also think you might want to include one complimentary color to your design somewhere to accentuate you design better.
I think the information is displayed nicely and organized well.


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Re: Dalanie's Project 3 preliminary work

Post by georgia_novotny »

Hi Dalanie,
I like all of your design ideas.

I like the one with the lizard more as its more creative.
Nice Job

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Re: Dalanie's Project 3 preliminary work

Post by old_man_pat »

Hey Dalanie, while both would work, I find myself preferring the 2nd set of roughs. I think the white background color works better for your body copy than green. Yet, since I find I also like the brush from your first rough, may I ask if you'd consider a way to work that into your second? The mascot was a nice touch (I didn't know we had one), but I agree with Rosa that one lizard would be enough. I also like your layout for the bios in your second design as well. Overall, nice start!
Patrick Smith
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Re: Dalanie's Project 3 preliminary work

Post by dboudinot »

Hi Dalanie,
I like the bottom set more because I think the page is more balance. I would remove the lizard at the top that's facing left and move the other lizard over to create stronger eye-movement/sense of direction.
Dominique Boudinot

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Re: Dalanie's Project 3 preliminary work

Post by kiwakom »

I enjoyed both roughs.
Personally, I like rough 1.
The rough 2 is too simple to me.
But I feel I want to see more images.
Also, the copyright is too big.

Other than that, Good start.

