Project 3 first critique for GRC website redesign......

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Project 3 first critique for GRC website redesign......

Post by georgia_novotny »

Hi Everyone,
So this took me a while to get going since I was so busy with project 2 and Dreamweaver for the last 2 weeks.
I didn’t really get this started when I should of.... but anyway.
Here they are, my 4 rough.

For ideas I researched art and graphic college programs offered nationally.
I started locally with UNR and then to some of the top programs in the country.
2 competitors that I chose to look at were:
Academy of Art Institute San Francisco
Graphics Department College of the Arts

My ideas behind project 3 was to make the website more visually exciting by adding photos, graphic art, fun typography and effective use of colors.
To move your eye through out the effective information of the GRC website.

I really think these are ok, but are very rough roughs!
I have lots of artistic and designer issue right of the bat but I don’t have time to fix all of them and really just wanted to get something up so they can get critiqued.
1 being they are very alike even thought there are lots of differences.
I am sure I will make a lot of changes as this project moves on but once I get into dreamweaver I probably wont :)

Thanks for all your valuable time to give me feed back right before the holiday.
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Re: Project 3 first critique for GRC website redesign......

Post by recordd »

Hi Georgia!
Awesome job on both of your designs! I love that you added the Adobe program icons to your designs, what a great idea! :-) I think I like rough #2 because of the images placed right in the middle of the page, they look great there and are also beautiful & eye catching. I also like the color schemes that you chose. I really like the unique and creative layout that you came up with. I want to just keep exploring the pages because they are so intriguing. One thing that I would suggest for rough #2 is to get rid of the images in the right hand corner and make your paragraph type smaller and center it. I can't wait to see your final design!
Danielle Record

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Re: Project 3 first critique for GRC website redesign......

Post by lingling_chen »

Hi Georgia

I like the design 2 more, good job on your roughs: )


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Re: Project 3 first critique for GRC website redesign......

Post by paula_b »

Hi Georgia! I have to go with design 2, it offers a little breathing room to me. Design 1 has a lot to take in and feels very crowded. In design 2, I like that you've dedicated a container for text. Good start!

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Re: Project 3 first critique for GRC website redesign......

Post by Sierragirlnv »

Hi Georgia,

I like all of the colors you have included in your roughs. I think I like the bottom idea better because it is a little cleaner. I like your image with silhouette and the computer. I also like how at the top people start as students and end as professionals. I might however take the effect off the landscape image I don't think it goes well with the rest of the design and if someone outside of TMCC were to look at they might not know what it is.


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Re: Project 3 first critique for GRC website redesign......

Post by rrodriguez »


You got a lot of photos going on here. I like design concept 2 because it shows images of the campus which makes it more personable to TMCC program. Will all the images of students be from TMCC students or found images from the web? It would be a nice touch if you took images from our classes. I might want to do the same thing, but who knows what will happen when deadline approaches lol. Your navigation are always good in letting me know exactly where I am within your websites. You got a great start here. Can't wait to see it online!
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Re: Project 3 first critique for GRC website redesign......

Post by old_man_pat »

Hi Georgia,
I like your color palette selection. I find myself most intrigued with the colored paint flying out from the monitor amid the Adobe icons. Of the two, I'm most drawn to your second set of roughs. I think the layout of your content is easier to follow when it's not divided by the image centered in your first set. I also like the idea of not only portraying students, but also illustrating a successful graduation & career. I'd be curious to see if the text box holding your body copy would be better illustrated with a lighter background color. It might also help contain and complement your brighter blues? I look forward to seeing where you decide to take this. Happy Thanksgiving. :-)
Patrick Smith
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Re: Project 3 first critique for GRC website redesign......

Post by dboudinot »

Hi Georgia,

I think you have to interesting designs, but I would go with the bottom set because I think it's layed out a little better, and I like the banner. Either way you go, I would try to declutter the design. Good Luck with your project!
Dominique Boudinot

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Re: Project 3 first critique for GRC website redesign......

Post by kiwakom »

I like your design 2 layout.
I feel the design 1 is too busy to me.

Also, you can play with fonts more.

Good start!


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Re: Project 3 first critique for GRC website redesign......

Post by Instructor »

Hm. I think, of these two designs, I would pick the second one. I think you have more to work with on that one.

The second design has better margins, better presentation of the material, and more room to maneuver. I like the splatter screen with color shooting out of it and I like the color coordinated students dancing about. The navigation is large and easy to follow. And it uses contrast well in some spots.

The big problem I have with it is that it's waaaaaaaaaay too overcrowded. You need to give your content room to breathe or it will all run together for your readers. I would shrink the type everywhere except the top bar and navigation by a couple of points (say half an em). I would also loose the picture sets at the top and bottom. Use the extra space to let your content breathe a bit. Maybe extend the black bars you have started at the top left and bottom right all the way across. Try looking at some subtle patterns and drop shadows to help pop things. I'd also remove the posterizing from the campus photo banner and let the image speak for itself.

Good effort!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173
