Project 3

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Project 3

Post by hummela »

Sitting here drinking my coffee and realized i never uploaded my project :o

Project 3 grc website.. I was going for the CMKY and RGB theme.. I wasnt really sure if we were just to make the page that is on the TMCC site or to make a website... so with what we have been doing i made a website.. hope that was right

My first layout is a CMKY theme i have some of the course in the background if i choose this one i will add more to give more texture background.
each link page will be similar with the links an student work on the side the middle info will change based on the tab you clicked.

My second layout i use RGB and CMKY
images i want to scroll through or slide show of student work
Think ill give each page their on style but similar maybe just switch the layout around so the the user doesnt think they went to a completely different site..
an i just realized i didnt put in a logo for my version 2 i think ill put it at the top right area move the banner over to the left a little.
Alexa Hummel :)

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Re: Project 3

Post by rrodriguez »


Roughs 1, with student work on the side and info about the program in middle of layout is the one I like best. It's easy to navigate through. I like the option of viewing student work if one wanted to. Would like to see how you apply a background texture. Look forward to seeing the final decision.
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Re: Project 3

Post by paula_b »

Hi Alexa, I like rough 1 the best. The layout is clean with a professional feel to it. The CMYK on the buttons pops out but isn't too overbearing. I'm not sure if you purposely made the heading on the "About" page larger or not, but I feel like the type should be consistent in size on the pages. Good start!

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Re: Project 3

Post by recordd »

Hi Alexa!
Great Job on your Project #3 roughs! I love the idea of doing RGB and CMKY color schemes very creative and unique! :-)I think both of your layouts are great. But, I'm leaning more towards rough #1...I like the idea of a three column layout, its easy to navigate through, your typography is easy to read, and I like your idea to include student work on every page! I have a few suggestions for you...I think you should continue to include all of the GRC class numbers in your background more up at the top and middle. I would move the student work and degree boxes a little more to the left to balance out the layout and also make the important links box bigger on the Degree page. Other than that awesome job!
Danielle Record

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Re: Project 3

Post by lingling_chen »

Hi, Alexa,
I like the rough with RGB and CMKY color one more. Good job on both, like it: )


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Re: Project 3

Post by Sierragirlnv »

Hi Alexa,

I am liking the second rough better but I am seeing a clash between the CMYK and the GRC red, green, blue, palette you have going on. I also think it needs more contrast in the body. I like the organization of it.


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Re: Project 3

Post by georgia_novotny »

Hi Alexa,
Nice job with both your designs.
I like the cmyk and gbr look your going for.

I think I like the version 1 designs a little more than the second version.
I like the page layout that you have going here.
The photos on the right side and the left navigation look good with the info in the middle.

Nice Job,

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Re: Project 3

Post by dboudinot »

Hi Alexa,

I'm digging the CMYK layout because it's simple yet strong. Not sure if I would put the logo in the bottom right hand corner though; I think it will throw off the current balance, so I would play with that placement to make sure it doesn't compromise your composition. Good Job with your designs!
Dominique Boudinot

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Re: Project 3

Post by kiwakom »

I like the second design. The layout is great.
It's very clean.
But I want to see something creative. Maybe you can make good GRC logo.

Good start!

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Re: Project 3

Post by Instructor »

I think your first layout is stronger.

I like the CMYK theme that you picked. I think those colors, plus black and white will make a nice palette to work with. High contrast, but with enough color to highlight things with. The navigation is large, bright and easy to use. You also have generally strong typography and really well done margins.

Loose the orange in the links on the left. I'd pick one of the CMYK spectrum for those guys. Shorten up your top banner a bit so your navigation is closer to "Graphic Communication". I'd also left justify your bodycopy. I think this one could benefit from some really subtile drop shadows and patterns to make things pop.

You got one heck of a good start here.
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173
