Project #3_Preliminary Critique

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Re: Project #3_Preliminary Critique

Post by aslychsm »

Very fun designs, I like how you created two really different choices. They're both good and meet the requirements, but as a website advocating graphic design, the first rough doesn't really do the program justice, so I'm going to have to go with the second rough (which is awesome!). All the information is laid out very nicely, and it's super easy to navigate. I'm not so sure about have the 'GRC' letters shoved up in the top left corner, if feels a little out of place up there. Maybe consider centering it above 'Graphic Communications Program' and make it a little bigger. But good job so far!
a s h l e y c h i s a m

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Re: Project #3_Preliminary Critique

Post by old_man_pat »

Hey Danielle, while I'm a fan of blue, I find myself leaning toward your second set of roughs. The imagery and layout fits my idea of a website for a college, while the font for your title indicates it's not your typical academic department. I also like the font choice for your body copy and our happy mascot. I look forward to seeing what you do with navigation font. I feel a font that's closer to your body copy would work well. Very nice work! :-)
Patrick Smith
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Re: Project #3_Preliminary Critique

Post by hummela »

rough 2 is working better and says TMCC to me more. its an easy to get around too as it looks.
the banner is throwing me off a little, maybe change the GRC to truckee meadows community college and graphic... blah bla in the same spot. just the GRC in the corner not sure. Nice layout overall!
Alexa Hummel :)

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Re: Project #3_Preliminary Critique

Post by ryansegal »

Hi Danielle,

I like the colored roughs much more than the grey ones. The grey colors just do not convey a very creative atmosphere. The content of your second roughs is nicely placed, but I think on the degrees page the first column of text needs more space between the right side of it and the left side of the second column. The typeface used for the navigational buttons is a little too heavyweight for their purpose, I think, but I like the expressive font used for the GRC logo. I don't know if I would include the word 'Program' in the header, maybe because there's already quite a bit of text up there, but that's more of a minor suggestion.
Ryan Segal
Radical Boy on a Mission
