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Re: Project3

Post by schakarun714 »

IM LIKING THE SECOND DESIGNS BETTER. THE MAIN imagery is a lot more dynamic and fun.
Shalie C. Forever Dreaming

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Re: Project3

Post by aslychsm »

Aw, these are lovely. I'm really enjoying the subtle tones and muted colors of both designs. If I had to choose, I'd pick your first layout, though. I just feel like it's more clean and concise, while still being consistent to the overall theme. It's just more practical as a website for a graphic communications program. Plus, it's more creative having the little circles be the buttons, and each page sort of popping out from the button you clicked. Very cool. Watch out for contrast issues, on my screen that green font you chose kind of clashes with the grey background.
a s h l e y c h i s a m

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Re: Project3

Post by hummela »

nice, i like both your ideal i think the rough 2 is nice im drawn to the images covering the whole page good job with picking the image you did.
I also like the circle ideal, its clean an different like the color overlay on them. only think is once you click on the circle how do you go to another page?
witht he rough 2 your navigation is at the top easier to get from on page to another.
honestly both layout could work. depends how you wanna go about it.
good job
Alexa Hummel :)

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Re: Project3

Post by ryansegal »

Hi Kiwako,

I really, really like the home page design with the large image, and its accompanying inner page. To improve those, I would consider using the horizontal version of the TMCC logo, or giving the current iteration some sort of background so it doesn't look like it's tacked on as an afterthought. The long shadow boxes you have around the headers are cool, but they might be difficult to implement coming in from different directions if the size of the page changes. Have you thought about having the shadows trail behind your content box? That way, they are more unified with the rest of the design, and they have a set length that you can control. As far as typefaces go, I would stick with a sans serif like what you have, but maybe a little bolder, and possibly switching your headers and pages in the navigation to all caps while making them a little smaller. However, this is a really great start; looking forward to seeing it live!
Ryan Segal
Radical Boy on a Mission
