preliminary critique of project 3

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Re: preliminary critique of project 3

Post by schakarun714 »

Both concepts are really solid and clean, most deff your style. Im feeling the red design a little more. i think the color and the imagery really compliment each other. It =s more visually intriguing.
Shalie C. Forever Dreaming

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Re: preliminary critique of project 3

Post by old_man_pat »

Hi Ashley,
I like both designs, using that clean modern look, but am leaning toward the second, orange layout. However, I also like your quotes and the color overlay in the first. Part of me wonders if you can incorporate the quotes and an overlay in the second? Also, if you decide to go with orange in the second, I'd like to see what it would look like if you lowered the color intensity a little. As always, very nice work Ashley. :-)
Patrick Smith
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Re: preliminary critique of project 3

Post by hummela »

Nicely done. im feeling layout 2 ideal i like how there is an image of the campus and the info goes on top of it. easy to use an clean.
although that red is bright and maybe use the lovely TMCC color ;) to tie it together more for TMCC
Alexa Hummel :)

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Re: preliminary critique of project 3

Post by ryansegal »

Hi Ashley,

These are great! I think the boldness of the second design speaks more to the Graphic Communications element, although that orange is very, very, bright. I don't see a problem with the image retaining its full color, which actually might need a bit less saturation in the greens. What you could do is blur it out if any content is placed over the top of it. Another minor thing, your orange sidebar has elements in it that are very horizontal (which contrasts nicely with the vertical main layout, by the way), but it's broken up by the TMCC logo. I might switch that out for the horizontal version, and give it the same amount of distance from the bottom of the bar as your text does from the top. Like I said, these are both really great looking designs, so I'm looking forward to seeing the functional websites!
Ryan Segal
Radical Boy on a Mission
