ooh Right Final project

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ooh Right Final project

Post by hummela »

This has been a tough one but I got it done .
There has been tears, blood, sweat, joys, happiness all the above, haha. Its done and over with now.
I learned some stuff, wish i had a little more time to spend on my sites but you know what im happy with it.

Here is my final site, no one has seen my sites yet cause they have been broken when it was time to turn it in online :lol:
but they are no longer broken besides one page i think... So enjoy or dont, cant pick and choose :lol:

http://www.grc175.com/student/fall_2014 ... bsite.html
Alexa Hummel :)

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Re: ooh Right Final project

Post by paula_b »

Yay, you did it! Your site came out good. Very colorful and easy to navigate. Have a good break!

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Re: ooh Right Final project

Post by rrodriguez »


Congratulations come completing everything. I know exactly what you mean by blood, sweat and tears. It feels like we went into battle or something. Your websites look awesome, and you look so darn happy in your pic. You took that pic after you uploaded everything huh? lol You have a good break
"Something profound and awesome here and here and here..."– Rosa Rodriguez

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Re: ooh Right Final project

Post by kiwakom »

Your websites looks good!
I like your own page. The color and photo are good.
I also like the navigation button design.

Good job!

