Project 3 - it's over....

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Project 3 - it's over....

Post by rrodriguez »

Ok everyone…thought I was a no show eh? I'm like a turtle racing, slow and steady wins the race. This third project wasn't that painful as project two. I still have some quirks I would like to change, but "in Leonard McCoy's voice: dammnit Jim! just finish and let go" (I'm sure most of you guys are so young, you don't know who the doc is) I don't know why there's a pink box with Ron's bio, on the instructors page and the footer dropped down a little. I had so many plains and aspirations for these websites, but alas …I wanted to get-her done. It has been an awesome experience with everyone and I wish everyone well.

I'm finally done, this must be what it's like to give birth, but less ouchy.
"Something profound and awesome here and here and here..."– Rosa Rodriguez

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Re: Project 3 - it's over....

Post by kiwakom »

I like your website!
The texture looks so good!
I also like the instructors bio. These photos are so funny!

Good job!


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Re: Project 3 - it's over....

Post by paula_b »

Great job my friend! All of your work is very professional looking. Glad that we"ll be in 275 together!
