lingling's final project

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lingling's final project

Post by lingling_chen »

Sorry for the late turn in, because my MAC is broken at the end of my final week.
I have a very difficult time to finish my work without my mac, cause I haven't use PC for a long time......
long story short, finally I can upload my file to the server.
Here's my project3 link:
I hope you guys like it. Sorry for the gallery page, I can't not pull out my student works I collected before from my Mac hard drive,
so I just repeat post my grc183 final project(that's what I can get), I will fill it and refine my site later.
What a crazy weekend for me, finally I can take a break now. AH!!!

At the end, I have to say, thank you so much to all of you guys who made time and left commons to me,
and kept encourage me, kept pushing me going forward.....I really appreciated it. You guys are so sweet!!
I am so happy to meet you guys here in this class. Thank you Michael, for all your help, and sorry for kept bother you at this weekend.
I hope all of you have a nice break, and happy holidays: )!!


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Re: lingling's final project

Post by paula_b »

Great work Lingling! aside from a few typos, everything looks good!

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Re: lingling's final project

Post by rrodriguez »


Your website is clean and professional. The colors pop out nicely. You have a talent for spacing out everything really well. Glad you got a chance to get it done. Great job
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