Final Website Is Done...

Post links to your Project Three websites for discussion and feedback.
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Final Website Is Done...

Post by georgia_novotny »

Hi Everyone,
I am done and its not perfect but I am pleased with the way it turned out.
As a art major I have been trained to think a little differently as far as composition.
I think this is making my designs cluttered and I know that will be a big challenge for me moving forward in web design.
I have this need to fill in every section. I guess because in terms of my canvas I don't leave any white.

I am glad I made it through this semester.
I am glad I was able to make my website look like my designs.
Even though my design could use never ending work I am glad I have created a functional website.

My website is at the following like: Hope everyone gets done and gets to celebrate with us at the pizza party!
YESSSSSS! Were done.

Thanks everyone for your last critique.

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Re: Final Website Is Done...

Post by paula_b »

Congratulations Georgia on finishing your website! I am impressed that you were able to get all of the elements into your page. I agree with you on the clutter, personally, I would like to see some negative space, there is no place to take a breath. I like the the typeface that you use for the hover on the navigation. It conveys business and fun to me. Good job! :)

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Re: Final Website Is Done...

Post by rrodriguez »


I do sense a little clutterization (it's not a word, but it should be), but I don't mind it. Isn't that the point of a website is to capture one's attention? Congrats on a job well done. And yayy you finished. It was a long hard road but you did it! Proud of ya. And of course, it was a pleasure having you as a classmate, we laughed, we cried, we talked smack about people (in a nice way). Hopefully we can do it again next semester (:
"Something profound and awesome here and here and here..."– Rosa Rodriguez

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Re: Final Website Is Done...

Post by kiwakom »

your websites have strong visual unities, and it's great.
I also like your photos. So beautiful!

Good job!


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Re: Final Website Is Done...

Post by recordd »

Hi Georgia!
Great Job on your Project #3 site! I loved this design when I viewed your roughs. I think integrating the Adobe programs into your layout is a nice touch! I especially like your image on the left...the paint coming out of the computer screams creativity/ design and the silhouettes of the graduate students add character which catches your attention right away. I don't know if you meant to but when you change pages the header image gets blurry and distorted. Otherwise, awesome job! I hope you have a great break and holiday! Thank you so much for your feedback this semester!
Danielle Record
