Prelim project two

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Prelim project two

Post by punkassbookjockey »

How can anyone take something as universally loved as a cupcake and make an ugly website for it? Boggles the mind... but that is what Batch did. (top picture is their home page) The grinch who stole christmas green and red just doesn't say cupcake. The pictures of the cupcakes aren't good either. They are mostly small and low rez.

Their print add is nothing like the website, and is pretty good, but it doesn't really sell the cupcakes. (second pick) And which is divine, the cupcakes or the girl? Is she supposed to be dreamy or just sleepy? It doesn't make me want a cupcake as much as it does a nap.

My designs both take elements from the print add and improve them. The first employs a similar green color palette (minus the yellow). I chose a blurred image, the roundness of the shapes are reminiscent of cupcakes, and the colors are soft like a good cupcake should be. The green compliments the pink frosting rose.

For the second I have used a 60's theme which goes along with the midtown vibe. The fonts are similar to the ones used in the print add. The colors remind me of frosting, and the simple design gives the cupcakes a place to shine. I like the classic frosty/icy blue and the sugary pink along with the grey to give it a modern touch.

(Note: whichever concept I develop further, I will use my own pictures of cupcakes,roses, etc, all of these are stand-ins. I already have a decorator lined up! The blurred photo and vector images are mine.)

Dang, now I want a cupcake...
Jena Molina

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Re: Prelim project two

Post by Blackfïsk »

I really like the fonts on the ad. Also, I'm going to want to see you design a cupcake logo, it's really fun to do, I've done it for a bakery, make it all pastels and such.

I like that you have that background at the bottom blurred, I'd like to see that as a photo of cupcakes laid out, also ditch the green and roses, I think pastels and dashed lines and almost baby shower colors work really well for sweets shops. ... eas-81.jpg ... 273930.jpg ... _image.png

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Re: Prelim project two

Post by daveryjones »

The second design is working a lot better. I agree with the top comment though, I would like to see you make a cupcake logo of sorts. Push the retro look that you have going in the second one and I think you can make a pretty awesome website. Keep up the good work :)
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Dallas Avery Jones | (775)338-7346

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Re: Prelim project two

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I think the layout for the second concept is working well. You have contrast issues in body copy. I would suggest using a different font between headline, links and body copy. This will help distinguish what is what. I would suggest using a more legible font for your body copy. The font you have now is too expressive for body copy.
-Warren Asher-

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Re: Prelim project two

Post by j.alexis93 »

The second design feels more like a cupcake website, so I would say go with that one. Like other people mentioned, having a logo would really help. I can already see it right where you have the batch bakery text. I agree with Warren on the contrast issues and the body type.

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Re: Prelim project two

Post by natsukigrc175 »

I like the second one a way better! I like the background color and all very clean. As everyone suggests I would add cupcake logo that will make this website more interesting to look at. I would change the value of the text or background too in order to stand the text out.
Natsuki Tonuma

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Re: Prelim project two

Post by lsimgrc175 »

I like the colors and the twinkles on the second one a lot. Looks great!
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Re: Prelim project two

Post by Instructor »

I'm a sucker for some good ol' midcentury modern design so of course I like your second one better. Your first design looks like the website for a nursery, not a cupcake shop.

The background color and the salmon are well chosen (though I wouldn't have the salmon on the type) era-evocative colors. The layout is simple, but that works in this case considering this website is going to be a bunch of cupcake pictures with a bit of text here and there. I really like the font choice for the headline and navigation. It matches their magazine ad nicely and works well with the midcentury design cues on the rest of it the layout. The navigation is well placed and easy to use. I like the pencil sketch texture used on the starbursts, navigation, and vertical lines. The soft edge cupcake picture on the front visually establishes what everything is about here. Delicious, delicious cupcakes!

Please add lots and lots of pictures of cupcakes through every page in your website. Your homepage is a good start. Sell me on delicious cupcakes by showing them to me over and over again. Feel free to scavenge photos of cupcakes from other sources. Pick a different color for your navigation and bodycopy type, I can barely read it. As much as I like the font chosen for the headlines and navigation, it does not make for legible body copy. Swap it there for a nice sans-serif typeface.

Nice effort! Needs more cupcakes though. Or maybe I'm just hungry...
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Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Prelim project two

Post by japanese_panda »

I like second one!

you picked nice image, and composition!

I think you can make cup cake image bigger, and work with contrast issue on type!
Yoshiki Katabami

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Re: Prelim project two

Post by Computer Lover »

The second concept feels too much 50/60s era than something bakery. The first one is a little floral, but I enjoy it a lot more than the second one. The colors are nicer to the eyes and I like how the navigation is set.
- Starla Houck
