Project 3 prelim

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Project 3 prelim

Post by lsimgrc175 »

2 basic concepts for home & rollover pages. I'm all about bubbles n rings right now.
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Re: Project 3 prelim

Post by lsimgrc175 »

Not rollover pages dammit, that makes no sense. I mean pages on the site other than the home page. Every time I post I make a mistake@! :evil:
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Re: Project 3 prelim

Post by ravennvrmre »

I like the circles in both of your designs, not a fan of the polka dots or the saturation and brightness of the blue, red and green design (its a bit much for me). I think the black, green, and white better represents TMCC as far as color but I think with all the colors the blue, red and green would better represent graphics. Great start.

p.s. just so you know when posting a message if you forget to type something there's a edit button on the bottom right side next to quote and in line with the profile and pm button on the left side. That will let you go back and fix a post.
Vicki Miller

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Re: Project 3 prelim

Post by Ka80kins »

The black one is my choice. But they both have a good layout.
Kathryn Kennedy

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Re: Project 3 prelim

Post by daveryjones »

I would definitely go with the black choice because the other one is having some severe contrast issues. I don't understand what is going where though. What is the big green thing above GRC and will there be information in it? Also, will your links be labeled or not?
Kind Regards,
Dallas Avery Jones | (775)338-7346

]“Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.” - Edgar Allan Poe

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Re: Project 3 prelim

Post by sara_kennedy1 »

I like the black and green layout, goes with the Tmcc colors.

-Sara Kennedy

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Re: Project 3 prelim

Post by j.alexis93 »

The black one is working much better. Your contrast makes it really pop. I don't know where you would put your information though.

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Re: Project 3 prelim

Post by »

I like the black and green one on the left better. I would like to see where you plan on putting your links and body copy, but nice start and good color scheme
-Warren Asher-

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Re: Project 3 prelim

Post by japanese_panda »

I like black and greek color one, it represent TMCC well.

The design looks pretty too much, so it looks like the web site for kids.
Yoshiki Katabami

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Re: Project 3 prelim

Post by Blackfïsk »

The first one seems less... extreme I guess. I like that it feels more TMCC to me.
