prelim Three

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prelim Three

Post by punkassbookjockey »

For this project I wanted to design a website that would be compatible with the TMCC website, but still stand alone. I experimented with using the TMCC green in different ways. For rough one (bottom) I kept a minimalist design, building off the GRC logo of a pen and drop of ink. The blue "water" representing the ocean of knowledge that is to be found within the course. The inside pages show a fuller "water table" because the ink has dropped. I also kept the navigation clean with up and down tabs only. I thought better of this and decided to add a nav bar on the home page, but I didn't save the psd file. :/ I' will rebuild it and add it in. The Graphics logo at the top will bring you back to the home page

Rough two uses the green as text, but this time I have a photo of TMCC as the background and a purple transparent block of color over it. Its more straight forward, but the home page is a one click option, with the nav appearing on all other pages. The opposite of rough one. It is more traditional, which is probably why I prefer one. What do you think?
Jena Molina

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Re: prelim Three

Post by lsimgrc175 »

The pen one is way better, I love it
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Re: prelim Three

Post by daveryjones »

I like the pen design a lot better but I feel like your blue and green are too close in value so it is hard to read your text. I think it could turn into a cool site so I look forward to seeing how you choose to code it's functionality. Good start for sure.
Kind Regards,
Dallas Avery Jones | (775)338-7346

]“Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.” - Edgar Allan Poe

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Re: prelim Three

Post by sara_kennedy1 »

I like the first one but also the pen in the second. Maybe combined both?

-Sara Kennedy

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Re: prelim Three

Post by j.alexis93 »

The second one seems more interesting to me. I think it's a really cool idea to explore. I have to agree with Avery on the green body type.

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Re: prelim Three

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I like your rough 2 idea. I think the layout is working well. I would put your navigation and links at the top and change the color of the bodycopy. The green is hard to read against the purple transparent background.
-Warren Asher-

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Re: prelim Three

Post by japanese_panda »

I like second one!
nice work Jena!

I would like to pick red instead of blue which is complementary color!
Yoshiki Katabami

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Re: prelim Three

Post by Blackfïsk »

The second one (pen) seems like a more developed idea, I don't understand the pen and water connection but if you had some ink staining the water, making a cool design, it may connect them better.

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Re: prelim Three

Post by papasmurf124 »

Nice Ink. I think you should try a nav in waves on the second page rather than a series of 6 pages.
Robert Freudenthaler

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Re: prelim Three

Post by punkassbookjockey »

That's a good idea Robert, I'll look into it.
Jena Molina
