Project3 preliminary work

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Project3 preliminary work

Post by japanese_panda »

Helle, Everyone! This is the final project!!!!

I made two types of TMCC homepage.
Yoshiki Katabami

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Re: Project3 preliminary work

Post by lsimgrc175 »

I think the second one is way more interesting, plus the color works a lot better; I don't like the texture or colors of the first one that much.
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Re: Project3 preliminary work

Post by ravennvrmre »

I really like the folder idea on rough1 but I'm not a fan of the colors of them or the texture on the green background. For rough2 I really like the geometric shapes, I would move the nav to the top though just because that's where I'd expect it to be. Amazing start though.
Vicki Miller

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Re: Project3 preliminary work

Post by daveryjones »

I enjoy the bottom design a lot more It is dynamic and captures my attention. Having said that, I think you need to add a contrast color like white or something so that everything doesn't look like the same value. Make your type on your headline as dynamic as the layout because it is a cool idea. Keep up the good work.
Kind Regards,
Dallas Avery Jones | (775)338-7346

]“Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.” - Edgar Allan Poe

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Re: Project3 preliminary work

Post by j.alexis93 »

I prefer the the second design because I like how you're playing with angles. The body type just feels like its plastered there, so you should try to incorporate it with angles in the back,

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Re: Project3 preliminary work

Post by sara_kennedy1 »

I like the second layout, maybe try a darker green. Good job though!

-Sara Kennedy

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Re: Project3 preliminary work

Post by »

I think the layout of the second one is super cool and interesting. I would make a space within your angles design to fit the body copy. Or angle the body copy itself to fit the design in your background
-Warren Asher-

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Re: Project3 preliminary work

Post by Blackfïsk »

Yoru bottom designs are very unique and exactly what I would image a design website should be. I hate that block of text though, make the body text fit in with the design better, I would avoid overlapping elements in this particular design, it's already kind of a mind puzzle to start with (in a good fun way), make it look challenging and unique but make the information easy to see and access.

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Re: Project3 preliminary work

Post by papasmurf124 »

I like the bottom two. Try to put the text at an angle in some of those blocks. See if that works better.
Robert Freudenthaler

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Re: Project3 preliminary work

Post by punkassbookjockey »

I love the second design, especially the navigation bars. Consider using the green as an accent color or toning it down. It may just need a little adjustment so it isn't so strong.
Jena Molina
