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Re: prelim

Post by Instructor »

Ooooh interesting.

Your first design has excellent contrast and a much stronger, more unified layout. I like the use of contrast. The black background really works with the TMCC lime green. I also like the stacked construction paper cutout look of the entire thing. It really lends itself to some interesting ideas. I like your current page stack idea. Each page is like an index card, one behind the other. A neat concept and pretty easy to execute as well (z-index ahoy!). I like the sketchy title type. It nicely visually represents one aspect of the program. You've also got a nice area for lost of photos. Take advantage of it.

I'm not sold one the white boxes though, especially behind the title and as the last box behind the content. I'd probably make the last box behind the content a gray and make the white box behind the title look more obviously like paper. In fact, playing with texture would really add something nice to this whole design. Maybe some paper textures, or halftones, or scanlines would look interesting with that layout. Watch your margins on your navigation, it's bumping against the right edge of the document window. Perhaps enlarge your nav area a bit.

A very good start!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: prelim

Post by ravennvrmre »

I really like the top design. I’m not a fan of the bottom one, I don’t understand why you buttons start out normal on the top but then get sporadic. The design overall is kinda empty. For the top design I would change the body type to black, I think it’d stand out more. Great start though.
Vicki Miller

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Post by Computer Lover »

First concept is much nice in appearance and appreciate the simple design of it. The color choice matches our school, and the body text is easy to read. The black background is a little plain, so maybe having some mild texture could help with that.
- Starla Houck

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Re: prelim

Post by lsimgrc175 »

I like the bottom one because it's so simple, almost like letterhead. Might work better than you think for a site.

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Re: prelim

Post by moserary »

I hope you went with the first design and tweaked it to perfection (especially with Spellcheck!) It's bold, interesting and balanced, plus the colors are in line with TMCC.
