Preliminary Critique #3

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Re: Preliminary Critique #3

Post by natsukigrc175 »

I choose the second one because the contrast issue with the background can be happened. If you add some media query and make interesting rollover buttons on the second rough, the website will be more interesting to look at!
Natsuki Tonuma

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Re: Preliminary Critique #3

Post by Instructor »

Alright. You've got two equally viable designs here. Time for me to be the terrible client and ask the question, "Why not both?".

I really like the photo collage. I like it so much I think you should do a different one for each page, sort of represent each page's message visually. But, I also like the accordion layout, soooo why not have the accordion layout on top of a set of photo collages. I'd recommend making some a little brighter than others. The colors on the home page collage do a pretty good job of conveying that time's a wasting and what are you doing sitting around. Maybe have some of the inner ones be brighter and more encouraging.

You could also play with the color of your accordion tabs on the different pages so they work with your various photo collages. You can modify the heights on your accordions in order to give you all sorts of room to put in some pretty neat layouts. Not sure how it'll work with an image gallery, but it's worth a try. I think I like the headline and navigation font choices on your accordion design as well. I'd bring that over too. No need to bring in the side frames though.

You've got some good work here. And now you totally hate me.
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Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Preliminary Critique #3

Post by ravennvrmre »

I like how simple both of your designs are. For the first design, I like the overlap in the images but the significance of the hand holding a clock is a little lost on me; maybe a hand holding a pencil or a mouse or a supply we use to make designs with. I really like your plan to make a different one for each page to relate to what it’s about. For the second design, the white Graphic Communications is a bit much on top of the bright saturated green strips. Great start though.
Vicki Miller

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Post by Computer Lover »

I appreciate the first concept much more as it does have very nice imagery, though I do find myself a little confused with the clock symbology with the cupped hands. Even so, the home page might benefit with some elements at the bottom, but not entirely sure. As far as the font and composition is concerned, everything looks fine.
- Starla Houck

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Re: Preliminary Critique #3

Post by moserary »

Here's hoping you went with the first one! The clock image is a bit disconcerting, but leave it up to individual interpretation, as with both Tucker's and Robert's comments. Some TMCC green would indeed tie it in with the rest of the school's sites.

You are amazing, Avery.
