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Re: Roast my website

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 2:36 pm
by Instructor
Your second design looks like the stronger one to me. You really did an excellent job using contrast there. Because it lacks color, contrast and texture become significantly more important in establishing visual interest and you've done well with both. I like your font choices here. The non-traditional serif type and the sans-serif bodycopy work well together. They immediately establish what is dominant information and what is subordinate. In fact, your whole layout does a great job at establishing visual hierarchy using font choice and boldness. It's really easy to see where the priorities are in your layout. The navigation is easy to see and use. Your photo makes a great centerpiece and an immediate place for the eye to go to after starting in the center left. It's a really simple layout that is made interesting by typographic choices and contrast.

I'm not fond of the all caps bodycopy. It looks like you're shouting at the world. I think normal upper and lowercase bodycopy would be fine as long as you justified your text. Add a little more leading to your bodycopy, as well. I'd also tighten up the tracking on your navigation. The loose tracking is fine for your name and class at the top, but it looks too spread out in the navigation. Your email looks like a long rectangle; I'm having trouble distinguishing what's what. I'd change the boldness of "Contact" so that the email itself will stand out.

I like where you're going with this. Keep it up.

Re: Roast my website

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 4:34 pm
by Jackal
Hi Estevan!

Something I would recommend is scooting your social media icons closer to your photo and not so close to the edge on the first designs. I like the color scheme in your top design but it looks a little unbalanced and there's a lot of a blank space. Your second set of designs are so aesthetically pleasing, they're looking good so far!!

Re: Roast my website

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 5:00 pm
by Stasiavous
I LOVE the second design - although I am partial to the simple layouts. The black and white photo is amazing.

Re: Roast my website

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 5:08 pm
by giusti56
I like the second design concept more, and the black and white feel to it. I would recommend making the type "resources" the same width as projects 3 above it.

Re: Roast my website

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:13 am
by clawson
I like both designs, simply and engaging. good use of fonts.

Re: Roast my website

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 11:05 am
by themeg98
I personally think the second one is more expressive. I would try to add a pop of color or maybe a water mark sort of thing in the background to add some texture. The body copy on the second set is barely visible. I would bring up the pt size or make the type itself bolder or a lighter shade of grey.

Hope that helps.

Re: Roast my website

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:00 pm
by raton de biblioteca
Hi Estevan,

Both designs are really well planned! It's hard to choose which one I like more... I would actually want to see them both combined! The square designs of the blue version in the place layout of the black version for the mobile design, and the font of the blue version used of the black design. This is mostly because the linespace used on each of the projects looks too wide on my screen.



Re: Roast my website

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:11 pm
by Stasiavous
I'm having a hard time choosing which one is my favorite! I love the colors you chose for the top design and your photo is sooooo awesome. The black one looks so professional and the photo is engaging as well. The only thing I would change is a more interesting typeface on the first one and make your buttons on the second one stand out more - they get lost. Great work!

Re: Roast my website

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 3:30 pm
by hiitsyuri24
Hi! Third one is my favorite. I like the image that you chose. I would suggest work on the paragraph. It is hard to read little bit.

Re: Roast my website

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 3:36 pm
by Big_DaDdy
Love the second one!
Great photo and layout feels cleaner.
The first one had a lot of empty space and feels incomplete. Second is Awesome!!!!