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Re: Project1-Prelim

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 3:52 pm
by Stasiavous
Hi Matt! I agree with Evelyn. Your art work is too nice to cover up. Moving the menu to the side or even the bottom would be a better choice. I'm also finding it hard to get interested in the text at the bottom. Maybe a different typeface or background color to accent your painting would work better? LOVE IT!

Re: Project1-Prelim

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 4:04 pm
by Jackal
Hi Matt!!!

I like your layout choice a lot! Your image does seem a bit stretched out so I would mess with different positions to put it in, as well as messing around with the type at the bottom in your desktop layout. Maybe spread out your contact information and make it a bit bigger? Other than that I luv your painting and how clean your website looks :D

Re: Project1-Prelim

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 4:09 pm
by hiitsyuri24
I really like how you organized everything. I would suggest play with fonts little more. Maybe you can find different one!

Re: Project1-Prelim

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:29 am
by clawson
I like the simplicity of the purple design and like the highlight spot. I like the image in the orange design except for the black bar. My eye is drawn to that bar because of the high contrast, but there's nothing to see.

Re: Project1-Prelim

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:34 am
by Instructor
Ooooooh! A poll! Let me cast my vote. I'll be right back ...

Okay, I've returned. I find your second design, the CGI pegboard, much more visually interesting. Your painting on the first one is pretty neat, but the pegboard concept can go in so many different directions. You can "pin" almost anything, including your painting, to it. You've got a nice bit of space to put any content in you want and you can reshuffle your navigation based on the resolution of your display device. The purple, red, and black work well together. Nice use of analogous colors. The pin navigation is a fun concept and easy to use and see. I like your type choices. The use of neon tube type for your page title really works and gives the eye something to immediately settle on.

Too bad you didn't have a mobile design for it. Also, move your mini bio text a little bit to the left in order to open up a bit of room and make the right and left margins equal. Don't forget your required class information on the final version too.

A good start Matt. I like where this is going.

Re: Project1-Prelim

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:48 am
by themeg98
I like the peg board idea with the neon text over the painting. The way you set up your nav bar on your mobile designs is very user friendly and appealing to the eye. If you choose the painting try to make the opacity on the buttons a little lower so we can see the art more. I think it's very cool that you are including your own art work.

Re: Project1-Prelim

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 1:29 pm
by anayaestevan

I like the first concept better! Really cool idea. I think the text in the bottom right is a little weak compared to the rest of it. I would make that more consistent. Also, maybe you could make the other text look more like realistic neon lettering?

Re: Project1-Prelim

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 3:39 pm
by Big_DaDdy
First one is awesome!!!
Very creative and well balanced. The image looks a little lossy, the type looks a little fuzzy. Awesome non-the-less!

Re: Project1-Prelim

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 4:51 pm
by raton de biblioteca
Hi Matt,

I am really digging the first set of designs, the pegboard looks really clean! I appreciate that the second set of layouts has more information, but I am completely drawn to the colors and the artistic feel of the first set.



Re: Project1-Prelim

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 5:17 pm
by giusti56
Hey, I like both designs but I particularly like the first one against the white board. I like the neon affect and the simple design to it. I am curious to see how your bio works with the layout.