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Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 10:19 pm
by Tickosity
I think I prefer your layout #1. I like the colors and the simplicity with not a lot to distract the eye. However I do think that the navigation links would benefit from a bit more separation from the white portion of the background and maybe tweak the colors of the copy text to increase the contrast. Those are my only ideas when I looked at the layouts.

Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 10:45 pm
by erino
I like the 2 layout it readable and the use of color is great. It cool how you use the image to incorporate with the gradient design. On the 1 layout I like the bright colors you use, the only suggestion I have at the moment is your name you can try to increase the size or add a shadow to stand out more.

Erik Reyes

Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 8:30 pm
by Jaime Ramey
Hi Kaitlin,
I REALLY like the orange and blue design. It really stands out and is eye catching. Maybe you can play with typography a little more. I am sure you are planning on doing more since this is the first critique.