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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 11:28 am
by Kassandra
Hi Allison,

I think you accomplished what you wanted to do with this design. I agree the drop shadow helps in adding depth to the design. My favorite is the first one because it seems that the shapes were more thought out, and have a purpose I don't really know what you could have done differently. Great job!

Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 2:04 pm
by it's_crysta
Hi Allison,
Both of your designs look really cool, I love the different shapes and patterns in them. You used gradients super well in your second design. My favorite is the first one though, the only thing I would change is your body copy because the line length get too long and putting it into paragraphs would help with that. Great work, can't wait to see your finished one!

Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 11:36 pm
by Instructor
Oh wow! You've got a real acid rock topographical map sensibility here, Allison. This one's extremely close, but I think I like the second design better.

It was the turquoises and blues that were they tiebreaker I think. They make your surrealist image look like one of those woodcut depth charts of Lake Tahoe. And they interact so well. I also like the greater simplicity of the layout as well. It's use of contrast is really strong. White works well with various shades of blue and turquoise. Good type choices too. Your fonts pair well together and reflect well on your logo. Speaking of your logo, I think it's pretty awesome how you've sunk it to the bottom of the "lake" in your mobile version. The logo pops so nicely against the blue and turquoise. Your navigation is also easy to see and use. Your footer makes for a nice end point that frames everything that came before it.

I'd recommend swapping the placement of your logo and your navigation on your computer layout just because of how strong your logo looks in the depths of the "lake" on your mobile version. I'd add just a bit of extra margin between your bodycopy and the "lake" on your computer. And don't forget to vertically center your type in your footer.

Great work!

Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 6:07 pm
by Mal-Festio
Hey Allison,

You made great use of organic shapes, colors, and gradients. There is an incredible amount of dimensionality here which I really appreciate. It does make it hard which one to choose what I think is the strangest. I think I am more into the colorful gradients you have going on with your second set. Your body does feel a bit long, maybe a shorten it by one or two sentences but you don't have to.

Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 8:09 pm
by comicsansfanclub
Hi Allison!
These are both really awesome and I'm having a hard time deciding which one I like the most, but I'm leaning towards your purple design the most. I love the overall design, but specifically the color and the depth that it has. It's so eye-catching, but I'm having a hard time reading the about me paragraph on your mobile version. I think that it's just a matter of making the type a bit bigger. Other than that, it's really nice. Great job Allison! I'm always excited about your designs! :)

Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 11:37 am
by rmepinero

I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned this before, but your work is always so clean and professional, but always fun and there’s so much dimension and movement. And I LOVE it. I really can’t choose between either composition. I’m leaning towards the second set just a smidge more as the gradients are so beautiful and captivating and there’s just as much movement and texture as the first set of designs. I honestly have nothing much to say, other than you can move the class info at the bottom to be centered to your info paragraph.

Great work as always Allison!

Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 5:10 pm
by dearangela
Hey Allison,

I enjoy your second design, I think the tints of blue/green create movement and are super cool to see. For your mobile body copy layout, I do think it is just a tad bit too much on the right. Are you thinking of using imagery? Your composition is very clean and I'm wondering what can you do to make more Oomf! Great job can't wait to see what's next.

Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 11:06 pm
by IzzyB
Hi Allison!

Both of these designs are very nice, unique, and have their own personality. I personally like the purple and I remember your business cards and they would match perfectly. I think this design is very fun and different compared to some other websites. The only thing I would change is to make your body type a point or two bigger but that is basically it. It feels a little too small, but it doesn't need to be drastically bigger. Overall really great design <3 :D

Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 11:26 pm
by MatthewCS
Hey Allison,
both of your designs look really professional. Honestly I would go for either or but the I'm feeling the first one a little more. The monochromatic purple color scheme fits very well with the white and I like how you added a drop shadow effect to the about me border. If I could think of one thing you could do better for your design, it would be to slightly make your body text a bit bolder because it's a little hard to read at a distance but overall they both look really good, awesome job!

Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 11:41 pm
by Kelsey_Reynolds
Hi Allison! wow, i gotta say, you did a great job with creating depth in both of the designs, they're so pretty! I really love your first one, I find my eyes darting around the layout finding more things to notice and look at, it's very visually interesting! :D