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Re: Project 1 Preliminary roughs

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 12:00 pm
by Anayik
Hi Estrella,

strong composition I've got to say. I think my favorite is the neon one. The black is very eye-catching and you did a great job with your contrast of all the text. The only thing that isn't standing out well against the background is the image of the girl...can you lighten her up to make her more visible?

nice work!
ps what games do you play? Im not a gamer but my bf is and I enjoy watching him play

Re: Project 1 Preliminary roughs

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 2:27 pm
by Instructor
Impressive work, Estrella. I'd say you have two equally good designs here. Pick the one that speaks to you best.

Your first design has an 80's Harajuku arcade vibe to it. Very cyberpunk. Very vaporwave. You've got a great selection of colors that are working together very nicely. Great use of contrast throughout the design. I especially like how you highlighted the most critical information with the brightest colors. The neon effects are working well too. Your typography is well selected. Usually, I'm not a huge fan of "digital" fonts, but here they work. The neon font is especially stong combined with your glows. This design is a textbook example of good margins. Nothing is packed too closely together, but nothing is so far apart as to become fragmented. My eye alights through the design easily. Your navigation is easy to see and well placed. The digitized girl is a great centerpiece as well reminds me of the giant hologram from Blade Runner 2049.

As nice as the colors are, I think there are a couple too many. The red in the background clashes with the blue and magenta colors that comprise the overall color scheme. Same with the purple in your email envelope. It's just different enough from the magenta text frame to create a bit of visual dissonance as well. I'd recommend making it either teal or magenta.

Your second design is SO PINK! S O P I N K ! It's got a retro 16-bit aesthetic that's very appealing. Adorable in fact. So adorable it's driven my blood sugar out of whack. Very Stardew Valley dating simulator kind of vibe. By the personal description text you've written, I think this aesthetic fits you a little better. I like a lot of the little touches you've thrown in. The strawberry wall paper is great. It feels like something that would be up in a cutesy staged Instagram bedroom. The pixellated milk drinks and tea are a great touch as well. As is the Poké Ball. I like the color step effect you use with the different pinks from white to a darker pink. Like a deepening ocean or the layers of a cake. It also highlights different parts of your design. Your navigation is easy to see and use. I also like a couple of the fonts you've chosen. Your main digital font keeps with the whole retro aesthetic and the sticky note font you use for your title feels like something you'd see on a wall in a cutesy bedroom. I think all it's missing is a pink instax camera.

The paperclip font on your "Web Design & Publishing I" text clashes with your retro 16-bit aesthetic. I'd recommend swapping it with the pixel font you use in your navigation. That feels more on brand. I think you've also got a little room to play with on the right side of Zero Two. The navigation looks nice on the left.

Nicely done!

Re: Project 1 Preliminary roughs

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 7:51 pm
by kmohara5190
Hi Estrella,

Your personality really shines through in your website designs, and I like your second website due to its layout and vibrancy. It is very clear, but I think if you use one font in different variations instead of different fonts, it would look more cohesive.

Re: Project 1 Preliminary roughs

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 4:37 pm
by Mal-Festio
Hello Estrella,

Both of your designs are great. They both interest me were to the point I would stick around your website for a while. I think I like the second design the best, It reminds be those cool promotional websites Japan designs for their video games. I especially like how the girl comes out of the bottom bar and overlap with the top. I do agree with the others that there are too many different fonts.

Re: Project 1 Preliminary roughs

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 8:37 pm
by it's_crysta
Hi Estrella,
Your first design is super cool, I like the effect that some of the lines and the girls have and how the she almost fades into the background. You also picked some really cool typefaces. I do think it's a bit overloaded on the colors though and cutting down to 2-3 of them could help with that. Can't wait to see you final design!

Re: Project 1 Preliminary roughs

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 11:14 am
by rmepinero

I love your designs so, so much. I literally did not think about using any kind of theme for my layouts and I love how your theme looks and how you were able to get all the details just right to help encourage your theme. I’m not sure which I like more as they’re both really strong. The first designs, I would recommend making your name and your info paragraph a bit bigger so it’s not overshadowed by the image you’re using. But that’s all I gotta say!

Nice work!

Re: Project 1 Preliminary roughs

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 5:31 pm
by dearangela
Hey Estrella,

I like the two themes you made for your compositions! I really like your first composition of neon lights, but I like the brightness and easier-to-read layout of your second composition. For your first layout, I think your background imagery can be a little more visible, I think it can create a nice balance of your text and imagery, but it might just be the quality we post our stuff on here that makes it hard to see!
For your second layout maybe your type can be a little bit bigger, and maybe some elements on the right of your website? I like the clouds you used for your mobile, is that something you would add to your website layout? Great job can't wait to see what's next!