Project04 Preliminary Critique

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Re: Project04 Preliminary Critique

Post by rmepinero »

Hi Jacklyn,

I’m really enjoying your first set of designs. I think breaking up info by alternating between the green and white is really clever and gives your audience some variety. Everything is really organized and easy to scroll through. All the imagery and symbols you’re using is really great as well. The one thing I would say is that “Tracks” might need some extra top margin, but everything else is perfectly spaced.

Nice work as always!
Rowena Piñero
"My vibe is like, hey you could probably pour soup in my lap and I'll apologize to you."

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Re: Project04 Preliminary Critique

Post by ItsAllisxn »

Hi Jacklyn,

Great work with both of these designs! I'm leaning towards the first one because I absolutely love how it's laid out. I really like the "tracks" icons and how the box goes into the background, enticing someone to scroll down more. All of your headers and body copy works well and has great padding. Maybe adding a bit more color in the inner pages would help to make it more visually interesting to look at like you did with the homepage, but other than that, great work! This is a great presentation. Awesome job!
Allison Hartmann - Kachow 8-)

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Re: Project04 Preliminary Critique

Post by Kelsey_Reynolds »

Hi Jacklyn, I like the look of your first design, The layout is really nice and clean and easy to navigate, great job!

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Re: Project04 Preliminary Critique

Post by gavin_clouser »

Definitely go with the first one and I think you will do great on this project. I love how the green box overlaps the images I think that adds a ton of interest and unity. Good job!

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Re: Project04 Preliminary Critique

Post by IzzyB »

Hi Jacklyn,

You have some amazing designs here. Your first one ks absolutely incredible. Love the layout and one page scrolling mechanic to view everying in one go, its neat and creative. The icons as well and along with your colors make everything look professional with clarity and drives home what the user experience should be; engaging and user-friendly. Cant wait to see which design you stick too and improve on!
Isabelle Bento (the person with the basic anime girl hair cut) UwU
