Project 01 Final

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Re: Project 01 Final

Post by Erikatsukamoto »

Hey Juan! I really like the design that you have! It looks very clean with I think your image with your colors together. The only thing I might change is going for more of an expressive type for your name. You pose is so expressive in your photo that I just want your name to match that vibe!! Great job!

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Re: Project 01 Final

Post by kaiyote03 »

Hi Juan,

I really like the thematic of your design as I think it goes really well with the jojo pose you're hitting. The color scheme is also very nice and the pink and green complementary colors really accelerate the pop in the design. A critique I have is that I would add your other project buttons as you are missing project 4 and I think the stars should be spun differently from each other as they are all the same orientation and it comes off a bit weird. I would also move your lone star that's underneath your body copy as its really weird and jarring being alone there.

Nice work! ^0^
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Re: Project 01 Final

Post by Instructor »

Look at you, shielding yourself from your own name. This one's really well done. You should be proud, Juan.

You've got yourself a really nice website here. Such a good, clean layout. If it were red, white, and blue, I'd say you were running for the office of Graphic Designer. Great use of margin on the whole thing. Everything has room to breathe, but is not too fragmented. I like the way you've carefully broken it up and made it obvious what content goes where. Your header and footer border your content area nicely. Good colors too. I like the way the green, magenta, and cream interact. The extra star is a fun little kicker you spread around too. It draws the eye to wherever you want it to go. Your navigation is massive and easy to use.

It think your bodycopy could have used a little bit more spacing between the paragraphs. I don't think you needed quite as much margin around your content on your mobile version.

Excellent work!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 01 Final

Post by kevin_ksk »

Hey Juan!

Great layout. I like where everything is placed. Your logo/picture looks very stylish and professional. Your projects might be a little too big and I would put a little more spacing in the body text. It looks a little cramped. The colors and the fonts look great. Awesome job!
