Project #1 Roughs

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Re: Project #1 Roughs

Post by Miasera »

Hey Danielle.

Both these designs are off to a good start. I love the vibrant colors of the first layout as well as how you have everything spread out, it has good asymmetrical balance. However, with all the shapes being the same blue against yellow it almost seems to start bleeding together, so maybe try giving some of the buttons an outline so the eye can have a chance to relax.

The second layout is also a great start, and I'm personally favoring this one. It has a softness to it, but there's still a sense of vibrancy with the color scheme you chose. When it comes to your titles I think you could find a more suitable font, and with the stroke already surrounding your buttons I don't think the bevel is necessary.

Good job on both of these.
Cristina Sánchez
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Re: Project #1 Roughs

Post by ryansegal »


Your designs have pretty nice organization about them, and I think the color choices were good as well.

As to your first design, I agree that it is a bit too cluttered. I'm not sure that the flowers are really necessary in the portions below your name box, so it might clean it up a bit if maybe a couple were removed. I also think that there is a little bit too many gradients in the design. I don't think that the colors necessarily have to blend together, they could work fairly well just being next to each other. The second design does lean towards a nice elegance, but I'm not sure it's helped along too much by your typeface choices. Sticking with maybe just two styles (maybe a traditional serif and a script), would help clean up the design a bit and make it more unified.

Between the two, I would probably suggest going with the second design, but I look forward to seeing the final for either.
Ryan Segal
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Re: Project #1 Roughs

Post by georgia_novotny »

Hi Danielle,
I really really like your first design. Its very striking and love the color scheme you choose for yourself.
Its is also very readable and legible so I understood it very fast. It looks like a professionals website that designs stuff if you know what I mean.
I like that it reads like a contact page to the extent that your photo is on their which is very upfront. I like that in this day and age of false impressions.

The navigation could be centered more than to the center/left. I guess I have issues with the right side used for navigation. I think the readers directional flow of reading goes down when its on the right.

Im less picky on the fonts as I feel the are even more personal than color when it comes to what you like or don't like. I like the font style you picked but its less readable than some of the other boring ones. which I always go with the more expressive fonts! So I like it!

The second one feels like a wedding chapels website and I didn't really like it for that reason. Funny how peoples impression throws off the whole point of the design. I guess thats what happen here. The color, the fonts and the photos help me think of that. I liked its concept but the first one makes more sense.

Hope that helps
