Project 1 Roughs

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Re: Project 1 Roughs

Post by mlauc »


I really like the retro, cinematic appeal of both designs. Your font choice for your name compliments the era and reinforces overall continuity.
The secondary font seems to be a disconnect, in my opinion—I suggest looking at some different options.

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Re: Project 1 Roughs

Post by Miasera »

Hi Patrick,

Both of these layouts are great, and I think you could take either one of them on to be your final design. The first layout does echo a nostalgic feel, and I think it's more balanced than you give it credit for. Maybe try moving the film strip a little closer to your camera, and give the shape your bodycopy rests upon some opacity. It'd match the rest of the layout in the times gone past sense, since film tended to be more transparent.

The second layout is also great, though for the time being your bodycopy and the shape it rests upon looks as though it's just floating there a little, and the font you've chosen doesn't quite match either one of these layouts.
Cristina Sánchez
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Re: Project 1 Roughs

Post by schakarun714 »

Hey Patrick, i like how you stayed with one theme for both roughs, they both a really clean designs but i do like the first one more. i think the close up of the camera withe the strip of film is a little bit more telling especially for people who maybe aren't very familiar with the film making industry. i do really like the nav bar on the second design though. maybe try incorporating that into the first design.
Shalie C. Forever Dreaming

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Re: Project 1 Roughs

Post by georgia_novotny »

Hi Patrick,
I like both design.....You can read them and understand where things are right away.

The designs are fairly simplistic. They work well to communicate your love for cinema which you said you were trying to do.

I personally liked the first one a little better. I think the purplish color on the second one throws me off but thats just my personal preference.

One thing to think about is the negative white space in the middle of the first one.

I would move the camera over or find a way to make that space less attractive.

It was the firs thing I noticed about the design within the first 3 seconds.

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Re: Project 1 Roughs

Post by ryansegal »


I like the theme that you're creating with the second rough, but I don't think the second set of navigation is necessary. I don't think the gradients in either design look very metallic, they give off a little bit too dated style of design instead. You've done a great job with the color, however, as both feel like they were taken when movies were still a new idea. I like the first rough more than the second, because it seems to be more organized in the navigation and header areas. Either way, great job on the roughs, and I look forward to seeing your final draft.
Ryan Segal
Radical Boy on a Mission
