Here come the Roughs — Project #1

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Re: Here come the Roughs — Project #1

Post by wendy_boddy »

Hi Cristina,

I like your logo. I do prefer your second layout. The title stands out and has a very different font from the body text and I love the use of white connecting the background to the foreground.

See you tomorrow!


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Re: Here come the Roughs — Project #1

Post by ryansegal »


Both of your designs are very unique and great. My opinion is that the 'Wayfinder' (great little Kingdom Hearts reference, by the way) design is the stronger of the two.

The 'Lavender' design doesn't really lend itself to the name in color, but I think it's laid out fairly well. The navigation buttons are a little too dominant in the hierarchy of the design, due to their placement above the class name and the fact that the dark color behind the text pulls your eye right to them.

Your 'Wayfinder' design is beautifully clean and simple. You definitely nailed the organization and subtle splashes of color around the page. The color of the text beneath your name seems a little warm to me, which sort of breaks the cooler unity that the rest of the colors have; this is partially true of the green button as well, though not as much. Whatever typeface you chose for the header is great, but the words themselves are a little confusing to read--"Web 1 Design and Publishing"? I'm not sure that the button typeface meshes with the other very well, however, and it doesn't really make sense with the sharp corners of the design itself.

A great start for sure; I'll be looking forward to the final!
Ryan Segal
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Re: Here come the Roughs — Project #1

Post by georgia_novotny »

Hi Christina,
I like both roughs...

the first one is more readable and you know exactly where things are right away. I like your logo as its works well and looks good next to your name.
The navigation buttons are the first thing you see. So thats good for communicating direction but they take away from the design composition as being the "stars".
Not sure if thats what you want.

Not sure if the right side design for navigation works well in general... Ive noticed with a lot of the big company websites they don't do that, rarely ever.
That said everyone starts somewhere.Your designs with that look good and are very readable and locatable which is all that matter I think with navigation buttons.

The second one I like a better as far as the expression and design. Its better but equal to the other in that they are both very readable. The second one is less legible as it has more detail but overall it works very well. Nice job!

Hope some of that helps.
