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Re: Prj1 Prelim Shalie Chakarun

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 10:41 am
by Miasera
Hey Shalie,

You've got some interesting ideas started here, and I'd be interested to see where you go with either one of them. The colors, while definitely more earthen, are strong in their execution and can definitely hold a person's interest. However, you've got major legibility issues going on with both of them, to the point that I had difficulty discerning your titles and bodycopy from the background images. There are a few ways you can fix this, and you don't even have to scale down your images to do it—simply providing a transparent backdrop to put the bodycopy on top of can help a lot. Of the two I'm leaning more toward to the second because that's a very unique image you have going on there. You just have to go around toning down the busy look all the elements have going on.

Re: Prj1 Prelim Shalie Chakarun

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 11:40 am
by kiwakom
Hi Shalie,

I really like the second design! That's cool :)
However, it is hard to read body copy.....
Other than that, That's great idea!


Re: Prj1 Prelim Shalie Chakarun

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 12:49 pm
by old_man_pat
Hi Shalie,
I like your designs, especially your use of color to create depth! The star-like pattern on the bottom display fascinates me. The way the colors play off each other and provide layer after layer reminds me of those gestalt models we used to study in Psychology. I agree with those who say it would make an impressive logo. I also agree the readability of your body copy can be enhanced with either a different color for the text, and/or a background block, perhaps with reduced opacity. While I like the layout on the navigation bar, perhaps you might consider not having both 'PRJ 1' and 'HOME' listed since they link to the same page? That said, I tend to be partial to the top layout. The scene is fantastic, and I like how your name stands out against the sky while 'overhanging' the back part of the scenery and menu. I would change the opacity of the footer so the text is more legible, and work on the readability of the subtitle 'about me...' Both roughs are nice.

Re: Prj1 Prelim Shalie Chakarun

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 3:14 pm
by georgia_novotny
Hi Sharlie,
I like your designs... the first one is more interesting to me personally, love the photo you used! Great view.

I don't know what the symbol is for the second one or if its just a cool design you did. So the first one communicates to me better for that reason as its more recognizable.

The text on both design is hard to read in some areas as the color choices you made blend them together.
So I would work on changing things around so that the text are readable as that is more important than visual expressiveness which you could do more of in the sub pages.

I like the where you put your navigation buttons as they were easy to find within 3 seconds so I was able to find my way around so to speak.

Hope some of this helps.