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Re: Preliminary Critique for Project 1 - Paulson

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 9:45 pm
by Miasera
Hi Candace,

I do like the turquoise and orange color schemes, and of the two layouts I think the second one works best. It has a more natural flow to it without being overly basic, which is the problem I see with the first layout. However, I think it could benefit more from adding more range to your color scheme by bringing in darker greens that would make the rest of the elements stand out from the background. You have a good start.

Re: Preliminary Critique for Project 1 - Paulson

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 2:16 pm
by schakarun714
Hey, both designs are good but im getting a little bit more visual interest from the second one. i like the movement you've created with the images in the middle of the page. i'd say use the second design and add to it.

Re: Preliminary Critique for Project 1 - Paulson

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 2:22 pm
by ryansegal

Number one is my preferred design between the two of them. I don't think the green works too well with the orange. It's organized well, and the sizes of the type are very good. I think that if the focus of this page is meant to be your images, then you shouldn't cover any part of them with something else; the whole thing should be visible. A white border around the images might work a little better as well, because the black draws a little too much attention away from the images.

The second design has more empty space towards the bottom of the page than necessary, I think. Again, however, your header and navigation are organized well. I think I prefer the serif typeface for your name rather than this one, it seems more professional. The paragraph about you is a little bit too long (in the space itself, not the actual content).

As risky as it might sound, have you thought of having a white or light grey page instead? This way, the colors of your images stand out on the page, rather than blend in to the background. I'm not saying to eliminate all color entirely, but maybe try using it as an accent color rather than the primary. I look forward to the final design!