Project 1 Final

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by old_man_pat »

Well Matt, it's easy to see you're a professional with years of experience. I was very impressed when you posted your roughs in the beginning. I very much like your logo, the wood grain background for your header, the photograph of Reno, selection of font, not to mention the cursive reference and arrow that adds a personal touch.
Understand, this novice feels very sheepish to suggest any improvements to an experienced Jedi such as yourself, but perhaps the footer could be more balanced? Perhaps if 'CONTACT ME' was inline with the rest of your email so the footer text on the right balanced a little more with the far left? Add to this a slightly smaller TMCC logo? I don't know....either way it's awesome! I salute your expertise.
Patrick Smith
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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by Instructor »

This is quite a piece of excellence right here. One of the two or three most professional looking websites I've seen at this level. Top notch work, sir. But then, I wouldn't expect anything less from you.

I'm just going to quote my preliminary critique on this one since it's taken everything I mentioned there and improved on it.
... a super clean, easy to navigate, page that presents it's info and then gets out of the way. It's has a Mad Men, mid century modern quality to it while retaining a bit of artistic whimsey ("I live here"). I love the use of the wood texture, it lends it a touch of class. The typography is excellent, a fantastic example of the interplay between sans-serif type and serif type. The colors other than the wood grain compliment and highlight the design, rather than distract. And it all sits on a nice, clean, gray background.
The only critique I have for it is that you went a little too far with bringing the class information up and put it a little too close.

Outstanding work! I showed it around my office today.
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by ryansegal »

Hi Matthew,

I think the design definitely benefited from darkening the border color, as it brings that much more attention to the design itself. The body copy looks much tighter now, and it's a nice bonus that it slowly tapers down in length rather than the varying lengths it was in your rough. The only thing I would suggest is that the GRC logo at the bottom looks a little further away from the design at the top than the TMCC logo or the contact area. The bases are all lined up, so I think just bumping up the size just a bit would make fall in better with the rest. Excellent design!
Ryan Segal
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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by gotsatisfaction247 »

Looks awsome!!! I very like the header the wooden backround and your logo! It got a very polished and profesional look to it!!! I dont see anything major that I would change, the only thig as of now, it was hard to read your email and other words at the buttom of your page do to small fond, but since it is not a working webside it might have a fine readabilty when it is fully blown to a screan as a functional web page. Once again, awsome work!!!

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by georgia_novotny »

Hi Matt,
I really like your design...
I like that it is a very clean looking design that effectively communicates your information.
Its nicely divided into thirds which makes it have great symmetry.
I love the texture your banner has with the wood grain look.
The logo looks great in the middle of it.
It reminds me of a hot branding iron look used for wood or livestock.
It goes great on top of the wood looking banner.
I really like your hand written arrow that says "i live here" and points to Reno.

I would enlarge the arrow and little note you put on the photo.
I think it gives the photo character and should pop out more.
Its kind of hidden and you notice it last and I think its more important than that in the hierarchy.
I am having a hard time with all the negative space with the white area of the photo.
I think if you wanted to keep the dividable space idea of 1/3rd's...
you could increase the image of Reno and cut out some of the white area.
I think it would be more successful to your overall composition.

Hope some of that helps.
Nice job, looks great!

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by Miasera »

Hey Matthew,

I'm glad you went with this design, because I''m very fond of the desk-like header and the splashes of color provided by your title. It uses the rule of thirds nicely, and I can't think of much that you could change or improve on since it really is solid. Maybe there's a little too much white space beneath your paragraph? Maaaaaybe, that might just be my poor eyes.
Cristina Sánchez
|| Certified Turtlefied
