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Re: Final_Project_#1

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 5:19 pm
by Instructor
This one's came along quite nicely as well. I really like how it works together.

Two things really stand out to me on this one. The first is the heart drop image. It makes a strong statement about you, whether you want it to or not. The second is the use of color. Purple and green play very nicely together and it creates an effect of serene motion throughout the design. It's a very clean layout that presents it's information without getting in the way. Contrast is subtle, but well used. Typography is generally good as well. The serif type warms up what would have been a cool, cerebral Bauhausian layout.

Some elements, particularly in the content area, are a little far apart though and it stretches unity a bit. Also, I'm not fond of the ribbon font used in "TMCC_GRC 175 Web Design and Publishing". I think you could have used the script font from your navigation and headers on it and been just fine. It could have also used just a little extra margin between the content and the heart image.

A clean layout that works well. Great job!

Re: Final_Project_#1

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:28 pm
by ryansegal
Hi Danielle,

I think this has a nice elegant aesthetic going for it. The curvature of the text, however, sort of lessens that sense, unfortunately. Your typefaces are mixed together nicely, and your colors work well together also. The background image seems a little too warm in color, compared to the cool vibe I'm getting mostly from the purple. Have you considered just dropping all the color out of it? Lastly, your initials seem too close to the top of the page, so I might add just a bit of area above that to help coincide with the spacious look of the rest of your design. Great work!

Re: Final_Project_#1

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:50 pm
by gotsatisfaction247
I like the overall layout of your page, but I might consider to bring a little bet more contracst into your work, cause of right now in a way it all blands together withing the page. When it comes to fods, I might consider of loosing of having so much of the Script font. You gotta be carefful script sometimes you can easily over do it. Otherwice, very good start on you page!!

Re: Final_Project_#1

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 1:36 am
by georgia_novotny
Hi Danielle,
I like how your design has progressed...I like that you blew up your heart image and made it more readable.
It is a strong image now that it can be seen in whole with out text covering half of it.

I don't really like the color scheme of the green with the purple and the pink.
I like the purple and pink together but Im thrown off with the green text on pink background.
Maybe try picking a different hue of purple instead of green, like 2 purples and pink or
some other color that compliments the "feminine colors" of purple and pink.

Hope that helps.
Nice job

Re: Final_Project_#1

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 9:17 am
by old_man_pat
Hi Danielle,
I like the overall flow of this design. The heart-shaped, slightly purple-tinged water drop is an extremely pleasing and dynamic creation. Did you do that? I also like the complementary purple and green color scheme. The curved cursive headers, as well as the cursive title and navigation type is a nice personal touch (something my site lacks). I do agree with the others that the TMCC logo at the bottom of the drop serves more as a slightly transparent distraction. It would serve you better to place it in the footer, I think. Also, it looks like you may have introduced a third font for your TMCC_GRC subtitle, similar to your logo? I think the TMCC type font would serve you best if it's no more distinct than some of the minor headers, at best. Keep your logo type distinct. Overall, this makes me see you in light of having an enormous, rather transparent heart. Nice design.

Re: Final_Project_#1

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 3:59 pm
by Miasera
Hi Danielle,

I really like the background image you used for this design, the color scheme is nice and it's easily navigable. However, I feel like compared to the top the bottom might be a bit too orderly, and the subtitle in your header seems like it would be better if it were a different font. Other than those things, I think you did pretty well.