Project 1 Final

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by kiwakom »

Your design is amazing!
I also like the color choices :)
Great job!


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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by Instructor »

Wow! :shock:

What a great improvement over your preliminary critique version. I really, really, like the dreamlike, almost stained glass version of your geometric dreamcatcher. It works with and plays off the photo very well. I like the fade down to content and the placement of navigation. Great use of color as well. The complimentary blue and orange work with the photo and make an implied desert below the lake.

The navigation could have used another round of cleanup. It needs to have all the fonts be the same size and have the same baseline. I also think it would have been better to use a bolder type. I lose them a bit in the sky of the photo. Also, I don't think you need the large amount of orange space between your content and your footer.

I really like seeing improvement like this. Good work!
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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by ryansegal »

Hi Shalie,

What a great improvement! You've kept your signature icon there without making it too overpowering an element in the rest of your design. It is a little off-center, as Justine mentioned, but that's a pretty easy fix. Your "Home" text on the navigation bar is a lot farther up than the rest of the buttons, and there's a little bit more space in between "Project 3" and "My Work" than the others. I think the orange is a little too bold on the bottom personally; I think with a natural shot like the one you have that a cooler color palette might be a bit more apt. Regardless, your design is a great improvement over the roughs.
Ryan Segal
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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by ElizabethBrass »


This is a great website!!! You had a great idea with your original design and you just made it that much better! And I love that you used all of your own images.

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by georgia_novotny »

Hello Sharlie,
I really like how you combined your design with your photo.
It looks great together and the design isn't so overpowering. Great Job on that.

I think your body type needs to be a darker color.
The white kind of gets lost unless its blown up to a bigger size etc.
Maybe black or a dark color you used with your composition.

Looks much better than your first design with your changes. Good Job!

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by old_man_pat »

Shalie! I like what you've done with the opacity of the layered symbol, and I think the selection of Lake Tahoe for a photo background worked very well. I like how it's balanced with the orange bottom and fits the color selection of your layered symbol. I also alike that your name stands out in the foreground over the symbol. In short, the balance in color for the whole composition was quite nice. One of the few suggestions I have is regarding the white body copy against the bright orange background. I agree with Justine that a slightly darker shade of orange might balance things well. Perhaps it would make the white text stand out more and serve as a shaded contrast to the light orange in the symbol, pushing it to the front. I believe you did the same thing with the dark blue of Lake Tahoe set 'behind' the symbol's light blue (if this makes any sense)? Fascinating design. :-)
Patrick Smith
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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by gotsatisfaction247 »

Very Cool!!! I like the picture that you took and the desing you put on the top of it, I very very like it!!! Works great!!! I dont see anything major that I will change, I might consider ligining up "about me" wihth your body text to the left or center it with text. Great work!!

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by Miasera »

Hey Shalie,

I really like that you chose to keep your illustration as part of your design, and the legibility of your bodycopy has greatly improved. The color scheme is still great, and it compliments the photo you've used. My only suggestion is using a font for your bodycopy that has a thicker line weight, because the one you are currently using is just a bit too thing. Great job!
Cristina Sánchez
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