Project 1 Final Critique

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Re: Project 1 Final Critique

Post by Sierragirlnv »

Hi Dominique,

I like the design you chose for your layout in your final. I think if you centered your name and left it at one line it would give more room for your drawing behind it. You chose that drawing because you like it and it has meaning to you so why not show it off. I think the "about me" could be a little smaller as well to give your layout more room to breathe. Good job.


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Re: Project 1 Final Critique

Post by kiwakom »

Black and white color choices are great. I like it!
Also, I like the finger design.

But, I think "About me" font size is too big, so you can change that.


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Re: Project 1 Final Critique

Post by Instructor »

The word is "designer". Just sayin' ...

But seriously, you've got a very easy to read layout that uses contrast well. I especially like the black frames at the top and bottom. Makes the hands look like a piece of mounted art. The hands themselves almost seem to move the eye around the composition as well. I think the sketch font works well for presenting your information and navigation.

I'm not a big fan of the Cooper Black headline type though. I don't think it works with the artsy feel of the design. I also think it would have been better if you slightly shrunk and lowered your bodycopy. I'm not fond of the way it interacts with your page title.

All in all, a fun, artsy design that uses contrast very well. Excellent work!
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Re: Project 1 Final Critique

Post by ryansegal »

Hi Dominique,

Some great adjustments have been made, most notably the different font choice for the body copy. Much more legible now, and it works pretty well with the other typeface. I think the "About Me" text would look a little bit nicer if it were either on the same baseline as the paragraph, or more separated from it. It also looks like it's been stretched a bit, because it doesn't quite look the same as your name. Either way, I think this is a nice design.
Ryan Segal
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Re: Project 1 Final Critique

Post by georgia_novotny »

Hello Dominique,
Looks good. I like the drawing of yours as it gives the viewer an example of your art as the main image. I like the contrasts between black and white and grayscale. I think its different because of that and looks unique, you can tell its artistic and your an artist.

I don't know why but the transparent box isn't working for me. I personally like the idea of seeing the art in the background instead of the box. I think you could take it out and the design would be more successful. I think you should maybe move the "home" button to the left instead of the middle. Just seems out of place in the middle because its always on the left but that personal preference.

Hope this helps.
Good job, looks good.

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Re: Project 1 Final Critique

Post by gotsatisfaction247 »

I like the black and white theame you have going on and the simplisity. I would consider of making the fonds of the name and about me some what smaller, it is screaming little bet to lowd right now. Also the navigational buttons need a little bet more of even spacing and maybe just keep it at regular font (straight letters) instead of script. Overall great start!!!

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Re: Project 1 Final Critique

Post by Miasera »


Like the others I really like your illustration background, and like how clean and crisp the layout of your design is; I think the color scheme fits it well. However, I'm not entirely sold on the font you chose for your bodycopy. Aside from that, you did a good job.
Cristina Sánchez
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