Project 1 Final product

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Re: Project 1 Final product

Post by rrodriguez »

Dalanie Chester…I like the background texture also. The navigation bar is clean and easy to figure out where you're at on the page. The elements on the page work well with each other. I don't know how you'd feel about maybe getting rid of some of the black lines around your photo or paragraph? That could just be the design style your going for. But everything has black lines around them, just wondering how it would look with out the lines?
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Re: Project 1 Final product

Post by Sierragirlnv »

Hi Dalanie,
Good job on your final project. I like your use of color. I was thinking about the typeface you chose maybe pick a sans serif font because it may be too similar to the logo. I think that would give it a cleaner look and easy to read feel to it.


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Re: Project 1 Final product

Post by kiwakom »

I really like your design! That's so unique :)
But it's hard to read body copy because the font size is so small :(
Other than that, it's great job!


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Re: Project 1 Final product

Post by dboudinot »

Hi Dalanie,

I really like your color choices and textured background. I would make your body copy larger, and I would sharpen the edges of the kanji because the soft blurry edge is a little hard on the eyes. Good job with your final design; you really brought your vision to life.
Dominique Boudinot

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Re: Project 1 Final product

Post by Instructor »

You've got a very stream of consciousness design going here, Delanie.

I like the color palette you chose. The blue, purple, and tan work well together. The header is very strong and establishes who and what this website is about from the very beginning. I like the background pattern as well. It gives the website and old cloth feel that plays well off your hobby. Usually I'm not a fan of text glows, but they're working well here.

The design seems very scattered to me though. You've got pieces all over the place and no sense of unity. I'm not sold on the font either it seems very Old English and clashes with the Asian theme you have going on here. Also, the button text is a different size on each button. In the future, size the button text to the longest word and then create all others from that. You also need to watch the margins in your bodycopy area. Your text is practically touching all the sides.

Quite an improvement over your preliminary work. Nice effort!
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Re: Project 1 Final product

Post by georgia_novotny »

Hi Dalanie,
I like the changes you made to your design.
I like the symbols you used as a main thyme of the design.
Your type looks good with your symbols and they look unified.

Im not really sure what "cosplay" is which is another main theme in your design.
I think if you wanted to reach more viewers you might want to add images that clarify what your talking about.
Anime maybe? Haven't looked it up yet so just guessing. sorry :)
Just think about hierarchy and what you want to stand out first and second etc.
The type for the buttons might be a little too stylized and might be hard to read and distracting for people.

Hope some of that helps.
Nice job.

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Re: Project 1 Final product

Post by gotsatisfaction247 »

I like the blue backround and also I think it is a pretty picture of you. As far as the overall page goes, there is a lot going on. I get a mix filling from the choice of the fonts, you have asial charcter but yet some of your font give me a sence of the renaissance type. I might consider of changing the font to creater union withing your one style. Also the the asial character/symbols will have a much nicer edge if you would redraw them using the pen tools insted of trasing it, if you dont feel like drawing the symbols wiht the pan tool you can also pool these symbols from the online. Overall great start on you page, looks like you put a lot of work in to this, keep it up the hard work!!!

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Re: Project 1 Final product

Post by schakarun714 »

I like the cohesive theme you have going. The colors work well together and the layout is clean and straight to the point. The only problem i am having is the type face you used, it feels a little out of place.
Shalie C. Forever Dreaming

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Re: Project 1 Final product

Post by ryansegal »

Hi Dalanie,

The texture does look very nice when you're focused on it, but it fades away when you're looking at the actual content, which is a good thing. It's not distracting, essentially. As many have been saying, the old English typeface doesn't work well with the Asian theme happening on the rest of the page. Of course, you could go with the brush stroke type of font, but I would reccommend using it sparingly, with perhaps a sans serif as the main typeface. Also, the Japanese characters might look a lot nicer if they were sharpened and squared up in Illustrator, as the spray-painted look doesn't work well with it. One of the best things about this design is how much it represents you, so great job on that aspect!
Ryan Segal
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Re: Project 1 Final product

Post by Miasera »

Hey Dalanie,

I like the color scheme you went with for this design, and now that we've seen the final product it definitely flows well. It's unique and speaks of you, and everything is easily navigable. My only issue is the abundance of Bevel and Emboss with the Outer Glow combo, but that might be a personal preference on my part. Good job!
Cristina Sánchez
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